Example sentences of "[prep] it become " in BNC.

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1 Though the antarctic ice-cap is estimated to contain 90% of the world 's water , only a tiny fraction of it becomes available each year for living material .
2 The track 's existence came under threat — there was talk of it becoming a gravel pit and it was , after all , a prime industrial area — but in 1982 tobacco giant Gallagher purchased the site and handed the important sections over to the Brooklands Museum Trust , erecting its new headquarters building where it would create least damage .
3 In so far as the fear of relativism is of it becoming even for the most aware a matter of taste whether one is selfish or unselfish , compassionate or cruel , the fear is misplaced .
4 According to Mark Raymond , senior analyst at consultancy DataPro , ‘ The action will clearly strengthen the chances of it becoming the industry standard , but it is not certain that it will influence the IEEE ’ .
5 Although UPH agreed to purchase the site in November 1988 and did not complete the purchase until August 1989 , we have learned that the idea of it becoming a site for Telecom 's HQ was first mooted as early as April ‘ 89 .
6 For , if people and Parliament come to think that the judicial power is to be confined by nothing other than the judge 's sense of what is right ( or , as Selden put it , by the length of the Chancellor 's foot ) , confidence in the judicial system will be replaced by fear of it becoming uncertain and arbitrary in its application .
7 A buy-back may be used to mop-up any " loose " shareholdings , return surplus cash to shareholders or to increase the marketability of the target 's shares as a consequence of it becoming known that the company itself is a potential purchaser .
8 Thanks to our twice weekly lessons , Olivia and I had now become confident enough in Hindi for the practice of it to become enjoyable rather than tiresome — if only because people were so surprised to hear any non-Indian speak even the most stumbling version of it .
9 But once Pauline thought had consolidated its own position , it automatically became the ‘ established orthodoxy ’ , and from that point on anything that clashed with it became , by definition , a ‘ heresy ’ .
10 yeah , but that in which case I think you should try and tie the story in with it became in like the canteen
11 When Stox went under it became a laughing stock .
12 As the cost of Eurofighter increases does there come a point where like the F twenty two i it becomes unaffordable and by how much would the performance of Eurofighter have to be degraded before it becomes equivalent to the nearest alternative ?
13 If when the main code is read in it becomes scrambled , this will prevent the right checksum value from being obtained , even if only one binary digit has been affected .
14 The amount of moisture left in it became even more important than the substantial amount of relatively thick green grass left on it .
15 But people do live there , though when I moved in it became clear that a third of the flats were empty .
16 He tells her , too , about the toy drawer in which the pencil-case was originally lost , and the characteristic choking dusty smell it would develop as the toys in it became mixed up with each other to form a kind of solid pudding , which had to be taken out at the end of each school holidays , and separated once again into its components .
17 Those who wish to become local authority tenants find that the best houses have been sold and , as the stock diminishes and fewer council houses are built , waiting lists and waiting times lengthen , and exchanges for those already in council housing and remaining in it become more difficult .
18 On the weight shift types it is difficult to give the student experience at low ‘ g ’ manoeuvres and the pilots may be badly affected without it becoming obvious .
19 There are always likely to be complaints about the precise distribution of conduct within the ladder of offences , but by permitting a maximum penalty as high as ten years for the lowest category , the relegation of conduct to it becomes less significant .
20 As the difficulties in holding to it become clear so we examine the exact opposite — its antithesis .
21 Franco himself may have realized this , for his erstwhile enthusiasm for Arrese and his project began to wane in the second half of 1956 , as opposition to it became more widespread and vocal among the non-Falangist sectors of the regime .
22 Its origin , and its method of financing , almost inevitably led to it becoming effectively a horse infirmary .
23 Today , a large proportion of the EC research budget is devoted to industrial projects , especially in the development of basic technology prior to it becoming marketable .
24 Skillful marketing has led to it becoming the most famous soap in the world .
25 All the intriguing questions which were asked at the time , not least as to why she contributed , either deliberately or through naivety , to it becoming one of the sporting mysteries of the year in the first place , will have to remain unanswered .
26 The Council had resolved to prepare a plan prior to it becoming mandatory .
27 When it was chopped down it became the Amazon , its branches the many tributaries .
28 As time went on it became the custom for an armiger to display his cognizance on his seal , which thus became tantamount to his signature .
29 As the proportion of central support began to fall dramatically , local authority dependence on it became clearer .
30 Hugh , who had worn the uniform of a verderer for less than a twelvemonth , was no use to them as a guide and as the day grew on it became evident that his arm was causing him a great deal of pain .
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