Example sentences of "[prep] have not " in BNC.

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1 For has n't this war been of immense gain to Bush and Major ?
2 It is therefore no legal answer to the ejectment to say that the contingency provided for has not happened .
3 And the sponges had been known to move and not be right and even today they 've when they 've had this er what is it , this er operation for it they 've conceived after have n't they ?
4 Well it 's still got to be got rid of has n't it ?
5 There 's got to be some sort of has n't there ?
6 Yes , because the snag is with that is that it means the vast amount of , and then the gypsum that is produced has got to be disposed of has n't it , so that the limestone is mined and then they 've got to get rid of the gypsum .
7 In Yeovil , we have the rare fortune , if that is the word , of having not only the Liberal Democrat leader as the local MP but also a Liberal Democrat council .
8 They differed in the seemingly trivial but nonetheless diagnostic character of having not one but two pairs of antennae on their heads .
9 It was great and probably would have been with the exception of the video going to number one , it probably would be the highlight of our career cos we 'd been out of had n't been working in Ireland for six years and we were back in and did a sell out concert tour and I think that was really good .
10 Er you get , sa instructor and they say that if a training course which is gon na start at half past eight on February the tenth , erm yeah well that 's what we got ta do then you got ta start looking to the planning towards have n't you ?
11 Or shall , what do you think of have n't it petitioned ?
12 Barry has got a cover , they 've all got ta cover the whole of have n't they ?
13 Because it means you can always criticize the individual , for either not having done the job well enough or for having not done it quite the way you thought it ought to be done .
14 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that £2.75bn per year will be needed to achieve this aim , and the question of where the money will come from has not yet been agreed
15 I better get my contact lenses in had n't I ?
16 Right , I 'd better go and push the ticket in had n't I ?
17 At about 2.15 , someone from the Cardiff side threw the first stone , then the bricks started flying : if they could n't get at each other on land , then they could always fight a missile war and there was plenty of ammo flying around : the workmen who put the fence in had not swept up the chunks of broken concrete around the supports .
18 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the programme would require US$4,640 million annually , although where this money should come from had not yet been finalized .
19 Yet the Third World countries that these genes came from have not received a cent for them .
20 We 've got somebody from have n't we the printer
21 Well he 's got ta get all the tiles up he 's got to has n't he ?
22 Got ta be worth going to has n't it ?
23 But so many applications for an official search are rejected that the Registries have a printed list of four frequent reasons for rejection , as follows : ( 1 ) no plan on search of part ; ( 2 ) plan lodged does not enable the property searched to be identified on the filed plan ; ( 3 ) the estate plan referred to has not been approved by the Registry for use with Form 94B ; ( 4 ) approval of the estate plan has been withdrawn , therefore any application for a search must be accompanied by a plan .
24 Someone moved me out , sooner or later , and it was probably just as well , for my attempts to find anyone to talk to had not prospered .
25 Such is the case , for instance , in ( 69 ) below , where the phrase the notion that suggests surprise at someone having done such a thing as was done , thereby implying that the speaker would not have thought such audacity possible if the occurrence of the event referred to had not come to his knowledge : ( 69 ) … one of those heroes , the air ace Billy Bishop , was recently the focus of a bitter wrangle between the National Film Board and the Senate .
26 and then , then your metal you used to have to had n't you ?
27 Well you 'd left something on had n't you ?
28 In addition there would be religious festivals , a commemoration of some event in the life of the Buddha , or the founding of a monastery , sometimes even a commemoration of the appearance of a nat or spirit , and interestingly the funeral of a monk , a time of great rejoicing and festivity , for had not the holy man entered Nirvana , and he would return no more to the wearisome cycle of human rebirths .
29 For had not Caswell been beautiful — his full , sensuous lips , whispering honeyed words .
30 Tory leader Coun Peter Jackson said he had expressed doubts about the scheme 's viability , and details on estimated income and expenditure which he had asked for had not been produced .
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