Example sentences of "[prep] why he " in BNC.

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1 It is one indication of why he has had such a unique influence on the history of mankind .
2 As a bachelor , Adeane had no concept of the intense pleasure fatherhood had brought the Prince , and no understanding of why he should want to spend so much time at home .
3 But Biograph was a timely reminder of why he used to loom so large , featuring rare tracks , live recordings of familiar songs , and the best Dylan interview in 20 years in the booklet inside .
4 Indeed , with Rush scoring two of West Ham 's four , his first goals for the club , the question of why he had not been tried earlier was of paramount interest .
5 Drinking off the last of the wine and moving on to the coffee he finally managed to confront himself with the question of why he had been so slow to begin .
6 Cabrera 's possible detection of a monopole last year aroused a great deal of excitement , but at the same time raised the question of why he had succeeded , where the many other experimental searches had failed .
7 His reverence for their contribution to the development of art history is not an uncritical one , however , and the artist is as aware of why he thinks paintings do n't succeed as why they do .
8 She was standing straight , looking in his direction but seemingly through him , and the strange look on her face brought him around fully , and he was about to speak , not with the intention of giving her the true version of why he wanted to volunteer , for it was n't in him to hurt her to that extent , but she turned from him and , quietly opening the door , went out .
9 That 's part of the trouble , part of why he is so lonely , but she just looked at the carpet in silence , at the dark place where Luke had once spilled black coffee .
10 But he left no unequivocal evidence of why he personally felt Emancipation necessary .
11 Sometimes , if he thought one of the girls did n't know what he was doing , he 'd go into a long explanation of why he had n't actually tasted the stuff .
12 Charlotte was in fact driving west along the M4 to South Wales , intent upon extracting from Frank Griffith some explanation of why he had misled Chief Inspector Golding .
13 Talking to Andre Malraux years later , Picasso went so far as to say that it was on this occasion that he all of a sudden received the revelation of why he was a painter at all and that ‘ I realized what painting was all about ’ .
14 The ugly weal across his throat told its own story of why he was unable to say what had happened , although the gamekeeper believed he must have been swept from his horse by the low-lying branch of a tree .
15 Trotsky and the ice-man had been his attempt to solve the problem of why he was still alive despite having been shot in the head .
16 In the end , if this crime turned out to be something more than an abortive mugging , he would have a portrait of the victim and through that portrait some indication of why he had become one .
17 All I want is some idea of why he tucks himself away down here in general practice running a one-man show — ’
18 They hope the £10,000 reward may now prompt an answer to the riddle of why he was killed and who by .
19 Milton gives us his own account of why he wrote his divorce tracts by saying ‘ When the Bishops could no longer resist the multitude of their assailants , I had leisure to turn my thoughts to other subjects .
20 ‘ Which still leaves us with why he sent them , ’ he said equally softly .
21 Gazza after a doctor 's inquiry into why he has become the ‘ fat boy ’ of soccer
22 I 'll take the lone road Alex Gordon on why he thinks Scotland should go its own way
23 CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont could still be quizzed by MPs on why he did not declare an £18,000 donation from anonymous Tory benefactors to help to pay a legal bill .
24 More than that , he wished he could put his finger on why he did n't .
25 He wanted to confront Gaveston , and was determined to question the Prince on why he knew about Lady Eleanor 's death long before any messenger arrived from Godstowe .
26 But while Lacanian critics frequently invoke this passage , they less often consider Freud 's extraordinary and provocative remarks in this same essay as to why he thinks desire and satisfaction have become incommensurable .
27 Two years after that last fight , Ali seemed as mystified as everyone else as to why he had n't ended his career earlier .
28 There had been rather a mystery as to why he should have died at that particular time .
29 If you had asked him , I suppose that he would not have been able to give a very convincing answer as to why he was walking , or looking , or watching in such an apparently random and obsessive fashion .
30 She ran to meet him , weak with relief , but he was very vague as to why he was late and there was a remoteness about him that she could not penetrate .
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