Example sentences of "[adj] because [subord] " in BNC.

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1 That talent was presumably the main reason for his appointment , and that 's only right and proper because if there 's one thing England can learn from Bob Dwyer , it is that you sometimes have to be prepared to let a young side lose in the short-term to gain in the long-term .
2 Written communications are different because whilst what you write represents your behaviour even though you are not present , it is n't happening ‘ in flight ’ as do face-to-face behaviours .
3 But if I met , but then that 's slightly different because if I met someone in a nightclub or something like that then I would be quite wary .
4 Intimacy is risky because as the other person discovers our weaknesses they could exploit them .
5 Foolish because if you do not tell me , I have the power to take you away from the river bank , away from the sun and light , and shut you in the caracol for ever . ’
6 But you 've got to be very very careful because if you use too much methylated spirits , it cuts and takes the polish off .
7 ‘ Sometimes I wish I was n't that funny because when I 'm not having fun or thinking funny , I get really depressed .
8 This proved rather funny because when we went round a sharp bend , the cupboard door flew open , the porta-potty rolled out like a cheap-thrills show , and on the next bend it rolled back in again and the door closed !
9 Stella attempted to comfort her , patting her shoulder , trying not to smile ; she was embarrassed because although it was fearfully sad it was also ridiculous .
10 It seems the more peculiar because if one only has one slit , one does not get any fringes , just a uniform distribution of electrons across the screen .
11 This is somewhat unrealistic because provided the government has a majority in the House of Commons , any parliamentary challenge to such a decision on political grounds would be unlikely to be successful .
12 You were very tightly corseted , which makes any exertion almost impossible because if you ca n't fill your lungs to take enough air then obviously you ca n't take enough exercise , which is why a lot of women would faint with shock or horror because any sort of sharp intake of breath , and they 'd be flat on their backs , unconscious .
13 Afterwards through her affair with the Frenchman she is content because as she says ‘ the linnet found it 's way to the sky ’ .
14 The matter is serious because if one inspects the photocopy of the letter one sees that he forged not only the heading but the ’ Dear Dr.
15 The ‘ need to know ’ criterion is crucial because unless it is applied , the operator can be overburdened with unnecessary material .
16 The next step is crucial because if the rig is not pulled across in front of the body all sorts of problems will arise .
17 I mean , fixed rates are dangerous because once you 've fixed , if interest rates then go up , you 've lost out on your er return and you ca n't get your money out anyway , so I mean at the moment it 's really erm er er very deeply into the cycle of low , of low interest rates .
18 It could be dangerous because if you 're sucking water into acid you could have problems .
19 There was no Michael , it 's just only way , co mind you could only do these on one-sided because when you turn your key the other side , it 's got ta be th exactly the same to do the job .
20 So er she says well you can think about it for a fortnight er you see her daddy put out discos altogether because of the lies but she cos she gets nervous because when she 's telling a lie to you she 'll go red
21 and there 's less chance of them getting lost because if we send it over to Monkland and it comes back here , it goes to Doctor , you know how he 's all over the place ,
22 It 's personal because when I heard what had happened to young Leakey , I lost my rag .
23 I think the committee as a whole wanted to be cautious because as has been said earlier our main prime responsibility must be to those who need rest home or nursing home care and have nobody else to fund them .
24 It does , nevertheless , have one benefit in that it makes the identification of the Z3 Carbonate relatively easy because when combined with the leaching profile at the top of the formation , it gives the sonic log a characteristic D-shape which is unique to the Z3 Carbonate ( Fig. 28 ) .
25 Erm so that 's fine , to have a harsher lighting on his face is fine cos it does tend to show up the er the wrinkles in his forehead , under his eyes and his whiskers which is fine because when erm my old portraits of this nature , that 's the sort of thing you 're trying to emphasize .
26 If nobody saw anybody yesterday I 'd be amazed it 's fine because if is the legitimate trigger and it would C command no one .
27 This is false because if you were a brain in a vat ( being fed your current experiences ) , you would still believe that you are not a brain in a vat .
28 I 'm glad Liz is confused because as one of her predecessors I 'm also confused .
29 Yes erm it was obvious because if he 's already told the man he 's going to move forward , to handcuff him erm he will not move forward to a person with his gun er in his hand .
30 I shall vote Tory because if God
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