Example sentences of "[adj] but a " in BNC.

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31 He was appalled that I wanted to study English and history , both of which he thought not only pointless but a danger to my identity .
32 Unfortunately , the Kanda method is destructive and many of the mitotic cells become unscorable but a sufficient number are conserved to give a clear indication of X-chromosome activity .
33 filled in my Pools I might be lucky But a beggar cayent be a chooser
34 Aside from these sorts of problems , I believe all of us who presume to speak on behalf of the other animals should worry , not a little but a lot , about the possibility of the Goliath of contemporary environmental concerns co-opting the David of animal protection .
35 So just a few ideas , not let you know exhaustive but a few ideas to be aware of you 've got appropriate .
36 They brought me down that day from Edinburgh , bundled me into a transit van with seats but no windows , handcuffed to a big quiet London lad who would n't talk to me at all and did n't even say much to the other two cops in the back of the transit just sat staring ahead and we seemed to drive all night just stopping once at some service station on the Ml , took a while to arrange everything , then they came in with a selection of cans of soft drinks and sandwiches and pasties and pork pies and chocolate and we all sat there munching then they asked me did I need the toilet and I said yes and they opened the door and it was straight over the grass into the gents ' toilets , two cops guarding the door and some men , looked like truckers , standing watching me , waiting for their turn after I 'd had my private visit ; only wanted a pee but I could n't do it even though the big lad was n't actually watching just having him standing there handcuffed to me was enough so they checked the stalls and then took the cuffs off me and I had to leave the door open a crack while I went , then back out and I see the other cop cars Christ a Range Rover and a Senator too I 'm a fucking VIP , then it 's into the van and on with the journey to London where the questioning starts ; they 're concentrating on Sir Rufus 's murder , for now , because they found a card a fucking business card in the woods near the burned cottage ; not mine that would have been too obvious but a card from a guy I know on Jane 's Defence Weekly with some scribbled notes on the back :
37 I do n't want to dwell too much on the obvious but a number of things should be pointed out here .
38 So international agreement and co-operation is in this field not merely an ideal but a practical necessity for effective justice .
39 It does express some of the deeper discontents and anxieties of the contemporary working class , particularly a real sense of loss , which is not nostalgic but a genuine understanding of the cost of ‘ progress ’ in terms of any sense of community or collective responsibility .
40 A woman with many daughters and no sons is considered not only unfortunate but a carrier of misfortune .
41 Only Jim Crane , ambitious but a little more human than the other hacks , can break Alice 's wall of silence .
42 The majority will be mobile but a few may require walking aids or wheelchairs .
43 In the UK this is not only absurd but a waste of time .
44 Nevertheless , if we say not ‘ dog ’ but ‘ My — dog-Rover-with — the — white — spots- and — the-stumpy-tail ’ , there can be no doubt that we intend not only a specific but a unique reference .
45 Given their experience of the remote jargon of their teacher training , and of the demonstrable lack of impact of the pundits on education , as well as their weariness and preoccupation , it is entirely understandable that teachers should be turned off ideas at least as much in 1989 as they were twenty-five years ago : understandable but a mistake , as I am trying to argue .
46 Many of the concepts explained might have appeared self-evident but a thorough grasp of these basic points is essential for understanding later sections of the book which deal with international banking and finance .
47 Annie was a cheerful , tireless and obliging young lady who had a young man , a dowry in an old sock , and a helpful welcome for customers who were not only hard-up but a bit embarrassed .
48 The barracks known as Allenby — though not to the locals — ; were pre-1939 Wehrmacht buildings , very solid and spacious but a little worn by now .
49 The summer timetable saw very little change at the Western end of the Cambrian but a notable addition was an 07:00 Newtown to Birmingham service each weekday using stock and crews brought out a a passenger service from Salop .
50 He was asleep but a voice from behind me might have curdled anybody 's dreams .
51 He became stuporous but a full neurological exam .
52 Dun Telve is now in Government care : much remains intact but a large part of its stone was robbed by local farmers in centuries past .
53 But whatever happens to particular processes , it remains a general condition of modern cultural technology that it both requires social forms of production and yet , within this , under specific economic conditions , imposes not only a professional but a class division of labour .
54 Notice that this doubt is not purely spiritual , nor purely intellectual , nor purely emotional but a question of a subtle though complete change of heart .
55 So what I 'm saying to you is , do n't go in over the top , you know , five , just a normal but a firm handshake because a man would expect it because a weak ha ha handshake can be irritating and the same thing if she is a woman
56 Thompson , Chesson and Chamerovzow remained personally friendly but a later effort at co-operation in 1859 between the BFASS and Thompson 's London Emancipation Committee produced more recriminations .
57 That is certainly possible but a penalty is exacted for it .
58 Denote this intervention by X. In the case of agriculture , biology , medicine and even psychology , formal laboratory or field experiments can usually be done ; in the social sciences this is generally not possible but a good survey can often be thought of in quasi-experimental terms .
59 Before that Darlington was solidly Labour But a drive through the town illustrates the contrasts : from the deprivation of Skerne Park with its graffiti and vandalism , to the large detached houses and tranquillity of the West End .
60 It was predictable but a little sad that you did n't get any of this sense of detail at Strains of War .
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