Example sentences of "[adj] with that " in BNC.

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1 Curly with that mousse .
2 The move coincided with the expiry of the mandate of the broadcasting service , which ran concurrent with that of the outgoing Supreme Council .
3 The people of Wolverhampton , all colours and creeds , live daily with that reality .
4 Nothing wrong with that , of course , but let's not pretend that one can really make a decent living just by turning wood .
5 ‘ We need some people to be made to testify under oath so we can find out what went wrong with that investigation , ’ said Mr Laframboise , stressing that , at this point , it does not matter that most of the physical evidence has been destroyed .
6 There 's nothing necessarily wrong with that .
7 There is nothing wrong with that — in fact , without such precautions it would be hard to get a coherent programme together at all .
8 ‘ What 's wrong with that ? ’
9 Nothing wrong with that , but if you want to learn anything about us we have to feel we can trust you .
10 ‘ So what , nothing wrong with that , that 's what ya are , is n't it ? ’
11 Anyway what is wrong with that land of sunshine Australia , that you want to leave it , is it because you have to work for your living there ? ( quoted from Tatchell , Battle , 72 )
12 But she had lived with a dragon for over ten years , and she had lived in a house filled with strong women , so she knew that there was something very wrong with that scenario .
13 Nothing wrong with that , you might think , even if it does represent more than 70 times last year 's earnings — a price-earnings ratio of Japanese proportions .
14 Nothing wrong with that , in principle : a company that depended more on equity might not have the nerve to do things like founding Fox Television .
15 ‘ What 's wrong with that ? ’
16 ‘ Soaps like Neighbours are pure entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that .
17 Nothing wrong with that .
18 Not much wrong with that , I told myself smugly .
19 We sell a lot of our tours through the concierges and we see nothing wrong with that .
20 Nothing wrong with that .
21 ( Nothing necessarily wrong with that ) .
22 Nothing particularly wrong with that , but they avoid the mass of questioning which will obviously follow such strongly opinionated music .
23 Nothing wrong with that , you may say .
24 Is there something wrong with that ?
25 You both gained out of it so what 's wrong with that ? ’
26 What 's so wrong with that ? ’
27 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with that , ’ said Henry , ‘ and some feminists are quite nice .
28 Whenever someone voices an idea , ie a possible course of action , analyse it by asking yourself ‘ What is wrong with that ? ’
29 All very ‘ Friday Night is Music Night ’ and , as listening figures show , there 's clearly nothing wrong with that !
30 The accompanying press release calls this album ‘ mainstream ’ ; perhaps it is , but there 's nothing wrong with that , as the elders in the Marsalis family are always happy to prove .
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