Example sentences of "[adj] that there " in BNC.

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1 Following the discovery of surface dyslexia , it became clear that there should also exist another form of acquired dyslexia in which the ability to use assembled phonology was lost , while the ability to read a word via addressed phonology was intact .
2 Meanwhile , however , it had become clear that there had to be a replacement DMU which was placed midway in size and cost between the railbuses and the 210 units .
3 It is clear that there are only two armies .
4 It is clear that there were disagreements at the highest levels on the timing of the abolition of Pomgol and the export of grain .
5 ‘ Let it be made quite clear that there is no doubt about the position of my government ; Germany stands fully behind the Single European Act and its objectives , ’ Dr Kohl declared .
6 His historic speech at Harvard University on June 5 , 1947 , came at a time when it was increasingly clear that there was a fundamental imbalance between the US economy , which had emerged bigger and stronger from the war , and the destitution of Europe .
7 Even at this early stage it was clear that there was general sympathy for the proposition that SERPS should be phased out .
8 This time it comes from God 's own lips , the crime of Hophni and Phinehas is declared to be blasphemy , Eli is condemned for not restraining them , and the speech ends with a divine oath making it irrevocably clear that there is nothing these three priests can do to ward off the coming disaster .
9 In addition , it became clear that there was a substantial restructuring of population as regional migration occurred to the expanding light industry areas of the Midlands and the South East and from the declining industrial areas of Scotland , Wales and the North .
10 Given the anomalous circumstances of Germany , it is clear that there needs to be some form of general realignment within the ERM .
11 Nevertheless , it is also clear that there is scope for increasing the agricultural production of the crofts .
12 It was also clear that there was in general an imbalance between the time employed and the labour requirements of the enterprises , indicating a lack of skills and a need for extended training .
13 Certainly in this study it was clear that there were farmers who did not have the necessary time to do the job fully .
14 The main gathering of scholars was at Charles ' court , and it seems clear that there was a conscious attempt to restore classical glories , even though much of this did not percolate far beyond the royal circle of intimates .
15 However , from Blair 's letter it is clear that there was another Mr Miller working at Chelsea as Isaac Rand 's assistant ( acknowledged in the Preface of his Essays ) , hence the resulting confusion .
16 There is environmental sensitivity about the latter approach and it is clear that there will be national and international regulatory hurdles to clear before such strains can be used .
17 The author has recently travelled throughout the USA where it is clear that there is dissatisfaction with the devolution of functions to the states without accompanying funds .
18 To begin with France , it is clear that there are serious problems both in the country 's political culture and in the constitution and that the French are aware of this .
19 While Treitschke demonstrates how economic union in the Zollverein finally led to German unity under Prussian hegemony , it is not clear that there was necessarily any kind of secret agenda from the outset , rather , the natural pre-eminence of Prussia combined with other historical events beyond her control .
20 This unilateral action by Prussia was opposed by the other hegemonial power within the Deutscher Bund , Austria ; yet it is clear that there were those in Prussia who perceived the political prizes to be gained from taking the lead in economic union .
21 It is also clear that there are many in Bonn who believe that a tight union should be created at the centre of the EC , creating a two-speed Europe with a powerful core .
22 In fact , Thomas 's evidence became more ambiguous and confusing as the questioning went on , and taken with that of other witnesses , such as Fred Morton of Fellows , Morton and Clayton , it becomes clear that there were no realistic expectations of improvement of canal traffic , either in the form of coal or of other minerals with or without substantial reconstruction of the canal system .
23 However , it is also clear that there are impersonal images of God in these traditions .
24 Yet the folder of poems makes clear that there was a group of women poets associated with Weston Hall .
25 However , the government had made it clear that there would definitely be a public inquiry into this first example of the new design and that it would thoroughly investigate all the economic and safety arguments .
26 It is clear that there have to be some restrictions on the exercise by citizens of freedom of speech , the right to demonstrate , the application of pressure on governments through industrial action or other means .
27 Once it became clear that there was no possibility of raising the funds for the National Trust or English Heritage to take on the house , SAVE began to look at other options .
28 It 's clear that there is no simple answer to this question .
29 The detailed lineage of blood cells is not fully worked out but it is quite clear that there is , with successive cell divisions , an irreversible commitment to one or other general pathway .
30 Indeed , it is clear that there will need to be a significant improvement in the conditions associated with part-time work if this is to be seen as a real alternative for older workers .
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