Example sentences of "[adj] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When the owl sailed clear of tomorrow 's conscience
2 Julia kept her eyes clear of both Lord Cumbermound and Canon Wheeler and , leaving McGee to clear the table for port and dessert , she went upstairs to the drawing-room to remove the sherry glasses and set out coffee .
3 Fen seemed to know a great deal about the area , and as they ate their sandwiches , served with a generous helping of salad , he talked continuously , so unlike his normal taciturn self that Robbie suspected he was steering clear of more personal and controversial topics .
4 The Consul-General usually steered clear of too direct an involvement in Egyptian policing .
5 A winner of her last two races , she was ridden confidently last time at Chester and cantered clear of nearest rival Anchorage to win by 12 lengths .
6 Most animals quickly learn to keep clear of boldly striped insects , particularly if they sting .
7 NINE times champion jockey Pat Eddery pulled five clear of closest rival George Duffield when winning on Tremolando in the Ropergate Maiden Stakes at Pontefract .
8 He had been so absent-minded of late , so preoccupied with his work , his writing , the morality of being an expert witness .
9 The TLP was the most economical of more than a dozen development schemes under consideration .
10 ( And under current legislation , the payout to you will be free of both income tax and capital gains tax , because GRE will have already paid tax on the underlying investment . )
11 Most of the patients studied were free of clinically detectable vascular disease .
12 The unworldly , peace-loving doctor , oblivious of both material comfort and public opinion , is in some respects a self-portrait .
13 9.13.3 the Tenant shall indemnify the Landlord against any damage occasioned to the Premises and any actions claims proceedings cost expenses and demands made against the Landlord caused by or related to the presence of the property in or on the Premises This provision has become rather popular of late and it is difficult to argue against its inclusion .
14 I was reminded of stories about some immigrant Irish who arrived in America in the aftermath of the Great Hunger , bereft of even the basic skills of domestic cookery .
15 But just for a moment she had felt the weight of emptiness , she had felt how it must be to be shut away down here , bereft of even human companionship , away from the light , losing count of the days .
16 The first defined them as potentially active and vital contributors to the economy ; the second as vulnerable individuals who would be bereft of both health and personal satisfaction by enforced retirement .
17 Following this expressivist logic , if a group is unable to objectify its interests in certain domains it may attempt to create its own cultural forms in some other field , although some groups without any resources are bereft of both power and prospects in virtually all spheres .
18 Furthermore , the 1988 Waste Collection and Disposal Regulations clearly state that all clinical waste has to be segregated and disposed of separately .
19 Does the Minister agree that such waste should be treated or disposed of not by the producers of that waste , but by some other body which may be more independent with regard to financial considerations ?
20 The agreement endorsed the principle of " self-sufficiency " , which stipulated that waste should be treated or disposed of as close as possible to the point of production , although it provided for some flexibility in the case of smaller countries .
21 Select and utilise raw materials and packaging in such a way as to minimise waste , and ensure that waste materials are reprocessed or disposed of responsibly
22 Large and unnecessary extra costs are imposed if all waste is treated as hazardous ; yet risks to the public result from allowing hazardous materials to be moved and disposed of cheaply as if it were ‘ merely ’ waste .
23 Much of the waste can not be reprocessed or disposed of safely and therefore threatens to pollute the environment for hundreds of years to come .
24 Over 200 companies have signed the ICC 's Business Charter for Sustainable Development , which urges industry to commit itself to the development of products which require the minimum amount of energy and natural resources to produce , and which can be recycled or disposed of safely after use .
25 I know sometimes erm people when they got their benefit , would try and do shopping for two weeks , but even that was unrealistic of how long they were , what they were buying was going to last for two weeks .
26 What must you be careful of when it 's raining cats and dogs ?
27 ‘ The political situation in FIFA , at the moment , is such that we have to be very careful of not seeing the majority move towards that idea . ’
28 Well Les was saying the only thing you 've got ta be careful of like when you pay money into a bank when you 're in business and you pay money into the bank and the bank then pay your standing orders er and everything 's done through a bank , then the tax office sort of tend to think well fair enough you know , he 's legit .
29 Furthermore , the Fairley family considered themselves to be people of consequence and were careful of how the world perceived them .
30 Cecilia sometimes wondered if this was the precursor of all that sex she seemed so fond of later on .
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