Example sentences of "[adj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 I think that to be a loner and a writer is hell enough , but many would instantly tell me how horrendous it is to work in a factory — 1 did it for three months and loathed it — or to go to their office and stop from biting their nails when their boss has to score petty points off them .
2 well done , I never can get that word out I stumble with it every time and that gets a signal from the brain that says this is a difficult situation this is something I 'm not used to this is some I it 's very primitive it 's it 's from the days in the jungle or whatever er a fear of fright over absolute it 's fight or flight , and that 's why you start breathing quicker because the blood wants more oxygen because it 's ready to run or to fight because the muscles , it is
3 Since ch'i occupies the place in Chinese cosmology corresponding to matter in ours , Westerners took a long time to grasp how very different it is from what we understand by matter .
4 Frankly , having spent two days looking at how different it is for Nirvana right now — or rather , how it was six weeks ago — I found it difficult not to .
5 N nowadays I hear erm or the lads who have been they go out They 've been working with contractor and they say how different it is when your mother was alive , everybody who came here they they used to join us for their dinner .
6 How different it is when someone , perhaps someone close to us , perhaps someone we have never met , helps us to view the world through different eyes .
7 So we might say , Well our overall confidence is two but our relative confidence which is saying how different it is from everything else is only one .
8 Having been through the spate of using a clapped out vacuum cleaner that did n't do its job , and how different it is now
9 Erm , just having different it 's different than what
10 It 's different it 's , they 're damp it 's different if there 'd been a hole and the water was coming in .
11 It 's a different it 's just that Sunday 's free for me .
12 Where waters are quite clear it is worth spending as much time as possible gazing from bridges , the banks or trees .
13 He also failed to protect his people : if anything is clear it is that , and it can not have increased his popularity .
14 The guidelines make it clear it is council policy not to permit golf development if it involves new buildings or associated development in the open countryside , and is unrelated to existing settlements .
15 Is that clear it 's people that 've spoken to .
16 we 're not quite getting this clear it 's an excellent idea .
17 It says this is the only number you want but as read it and said well it does n't really make it clear it 's for reservations and bookings and it does n't really so we 'll just have to make sure that it damn well happens on the advert .
18 the different parts of the lump and today he was told that the second biopsy was clear it 's not malignant
19 If the subject does not know the junction and is attempting to decide how risky it is likely to be in other circumstances it would make sense to extrapolate from the information in the film to decide for example how busy the junction generally is , or to simply generalize from their current feelings of risk .
20 It 's not so much claustrophobic it 's just
21 With rules generally being so rigid it is hardly surprising that diets , and the good intentions that go with them , quickly get left behind .
22 Now , my view is it 's entirely wrong it 's cheating , it 's doing everything wrong !
23 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
24 And if the solicitor got it wrong it 's the executor who takes the blame .
25 And er the spoolers think they 're better than us , cos they get higher pay than us , they think it 's er they 're more skilled , it takes them to longer to train to do the job seemingly but they could n't , we have to sort their repairs again if they do anything wrong it 's us that have
26 So when something goes wrong it 's likely to be very expensive … and that means new parts
27 ‘ We know how bad we 've been lately , but when things go wrong it 's hard to explain how confidence drains .
28 You always say that Andrew , and you 're always wrong it 's always busy on Sunday .
29 Daniel who owns the mill ah , the young man you 've got there working for you he said , you 're wrong it 's a girl !
30 I mean he kept , I mean he did n't do anything to the city you ca n't even see it from the old one 's still standing and it 's in the wrong it 's so nice .
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