Example sentences of "[adj] have you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were talking about my career , and how I 'm not prepared to have you insinuate that I 've slept my way to the top ! ’
2 What different have you got ta do a , a tape a day or something ?
3 Sanyo , it 's even buy British Have you found anything ?
4 ‘ The country is fortunate to have you as our Prime Minister .
5 Stephen quickly put in , ‘ Yes , Michael , delighted to have you on board . ’
6 We are delighted to have you here you are most welcome we do hope you will enjoy yourself so much you will return as soo as soon as you can , to perhaps take advantage of our ferry port links with Normandy , and now Bilbao in Spain .
7 Anyway , welcome to Portsmouth , we 're delighted to have you here , and we hope you come again .
8 Now , ’ she added with a complete change of subject that left Ellie feeling bewildered , ‘ you must n't feel awkward or in the way , because we 're delighted to have you to stay .
9 Erm , so finally I should say that above all we are very pleased to see you , we 're delighted to have you here .
10 Now are n't we so lucky to have you here , Mr Gaily , and all full of ideas ! ’
11 The boys are so lucky to have you to protect them .
12 ‘ They were lucky to have you to let it to .
13 ‘ I 'm very lucky to have you as my best friend , Diana .
14 ‘ Your family are lucky to have you , ’ he heard himself say suddenly .
15 Brett 's lucky to have you .
16 The world is privileged to have you in it .
17 I find it very disturbing and unwelcome to have you go touching me as you do .
18 I argued very hard to have you thrown to the wolves after the police found four low-lifes strewn around the locker room of that gym .
19 I shall be glad to have you working with me for a while . ’
20 She said , ‘ I 'm so glad to have you here to share this , Jo .
21 We shall be glad to have you .
22 ‘ You 'd think they 'd be glad to have you because you 've got experience in fighting , ’ Anne said indignantly .
23 ‘ I 'm so glad to have you as a son , John .
24 ‘ I know Sophia is glad to have you here , ’ said Penelope .
25 ‘ I 'm just glad to have you back safe and sound . ’
26 ‘ I 'm so glad to have you with me , ’ smiled the lad .
27 ‘ I 'm glad to have you . ’
28 Oh you 're lucky had you had a row ?
29 Got a bit cold have you Jack ?
30 ‘ Lady , it 's good to have you back ! ’ he exclaimed , reaching over to slap Tammuz' thigh .
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