Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Huntingtower , a story of exotic intrigue , is Ruritanian in tone if not in geography , with the exiled princess imprisoned in an ugly pseudo-Tudor mansion at the instigation of Paul , who needs the jewels she has guarded for her fellow-exiles for his plots against the Evallonian government .
2 Occupations can feature predominantly , even where the victim is not in the person 's charge ( e.g. SEX OFFENCES OF FORMER M15 MAN ; TOWN CRIER 'S SEX ATTACK ON GIRL , 9 ; MARINE IN BED WITH TOT , 3 ; MARKET MANAGER IN INDECENCY CASE ) .
3 A LEADING environmental scientist — who has contributed to several television documentaries on green issues — today called on the Department of Marine in Dublin to investigate the mysterious deaths of a number of swans at Mulroy Bay in Co Donegal .
4 Therefore , the narrow issue in this case is whether , as Mr. Page contends and the courts below have held , certiorari lies against the visitor to quash his decision as being erroneous in point of law notwithstanding that the question of law arises under the domestic law of the university which the visitor has ‘ exclusive ’ jurisdiction to decide .
5 Accordingly , the statement in the judgment of the Court of Appeal , at p. 377d , to the effect that , if the apparent consent of the owner is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence is , with respect , erroneous in relation to a charge of theft ( which was the relevant charge ) if the words ‘ appropriates ’ bears the meaning which the Criminal Law Revision Committee ( rightly , in my opinion ) has deliberately given it .
6 ‘ Any party who seeks to charge an accounting party with an amount beyond that which he has by his account admitted to have received or who alleges that any item in his account is erroneous in respect of amount or in any other respect must give him notice thereof stating , so far as he is able , the amount sought to be charged with brief particulars thereof or , as the case may be , the grounds for alleging that the item is erroneous .
7 Hilton embodies his understanding of this journey in images of light and darkness based on an anagogical reading of two texts from Isaiah 26:9 : " mi soule desired in " and 9:2 : Habitantibus in regione umbrae mortis , lux orta est eis which he translates " to the wonend in contre of shadwe of dede , was spronge " [ wonend : dwellers ] ( 25.92r. – 238 ) .
8 The bodies are flatter , more distorted and more angular , and the heads more truly primitive in appearance .
9 Because he draws his criteria from a particular musical tradition — a ‘ music of thought ’ , characterized by the working out of themes over extended , integrated forms and requiring concentrated , ‘ intellectual ’ listening — he regards other forms of music as either primitive in comparison or as corruptions of this tradition .
10 Now , ever since the emigrations and plantations of past ages , Ulster has been Scottish in character .
11 It is French in inspiration , the essence of High Gothic yet still characteristically German , lacking the elegance of French prototypes ( 505 ) .
12 He taught himself French in order to read Karl Marx 's Capital and later learned German .
13 Inside the public rooms were graceful and inimitably French in style , whilst the guest rooms were comfortable and modern .
14 French composers , notably Le Jeune , preferred in the 1590s to describe their chansons as ‘ airs ’ and the lute ayre was as definitely French in origin as the madrigal was Italian — and as completely anglicized by the different language .
15 The sculpture on the portals and the interior is magnificent , very French in treatment but German in expression ; the wise and foolish virgins , for example .
16 Technically it has an advantage over percutaneous cholecystolithotomy in that it requires a tract only 12 French in diameter as opposed to 30 French .
17 Dean Smyth is transfer-listed in goal and I do n't have a Billy Caskey or Ray Morrison in midfield .
18 Highly gregarious in winter , flocks appearing tightly packed at a distance , feeding with their heads well down .
19 Long-tongued species are particularly well-represented in Madagascar , and about 10% of all the orchids in that island , i.e. some 70 species , have nectar-spurs , up to 8cm or longer .
20 Goal identification , moreover , is often inseparable in Whitehall from questions of policy , which gives rise to frequent conflict both within and between departments .
21 The mention of several major front-of-camera elements in connection with manipulating the image demonstrates that the two aspects are inseparable in practice , though they may be divided for ease of explanation and clarity of illustration .
22 Erm when it 's hot , they do go a bit peculiar in pillows , they go stained do n't they ?
23 Perhaps that should be our first and major point : that BSL should be researched and evaluated as a language , and that this language , though apparently different in medium , shares similar grammatical processes with many spoken languages .
24 Wherever they were , they would have been bombarded with radiations ; and as the primitive atmosphere was different in composition from that of today , and in particular would have lacked an ozone layer , they could well have received higher doses of radiation than they would today .
25 This should not be taken too literally — not every rock in the crust is a granite — things like limestones are vastly different in composition — but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica .
26 A picture intended to show the pulling strength of the tractor will need to be quite different in composition from one designed to show the gradients which it is able to climb or the revolutionary design of a new gearbox .
27 The answer is not difficult , if we remember that each meeting of the Assembly was different in composition from all others ; personal oratory and ascendancy , not party organization , decided the issues , and that is why the absence of Kimon mattered so much : he would have given his usual speech on the ‘ special relationship ’ with Sparta , urging that nothing be done to the Athenian constitution to which oligarchic Sparta would take mortal offence .
28 That is they are places which , well before 800 AD , had characteristics which were already marked as different in function from the normal agricultural settlements of the period .
29 In this population , bowel function and transit time are different in women of childbearing age ( 25–49 ) and older women , with a greater tendency to constipation in the first .
30 Raine admits the knowledge base is likely to be different in London where social services and housing are coterminous or even joint services .
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