Example sentences of "[adj] and just " in BNC.

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1 Do n't worry , stay calm and just set out to enjoy the experience .
2 He says in 1 John 1:9 , ‘ If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness . ‘
3 1 John 1:9 tells us , ‘ If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness . ’
4 The vegetarians said the cage , five feet high and just over three feet wide , was a true representation of the conditions chickens face .
5 That was the puzzling thing that happened to Peggy Pringle , who was nearly nine years old and just longed to join the Pack to which her friends belonged .
6 Yet another master meal was prepared by le chef , Pete , and we ate and drank , and watched an incredible show of lights , all of it free and just for us .
7 You put the paint on thick you no to be too careful and just er do what you feel like you know just what you think you should .
8 Mind I know there 's some that when you can pick up if you 're , you know you could pick up something like that if you were n't careful and just pick it up from the inside
9 I think the introduction of this guitar is quite significant ; it 's fresh , different and just plain exciting , and those are three words you wo n't often see in the review of a new guitar .
10 we would n't object yes , it was very you know , the emphasis was very different and just as the you know the emphasis on , on the handover erm , he wrote down that we would be happy to stand down and in fact what we said was we
11 But , back in England , The Smiths felt unsettled and just a little paranoid .
12 I had a phone call to Israel the other night and somebody who is very experienced in stress prevention , but still she was afraid and just finding out how isolated those kind of , you know , how isolated they 're feeling out there , the fear of the chemical warfare , and maybe now I 'm able to write to her to reduce some of that isolation .
13 Sometimes , some of them would try and be clever and just step off the pavement .
14 Let's leave the mountains wild and dangerous and just make sure we know what we 're going to face when we tackle them , and go fully prepared .
15 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
16 Assuming these measures to be fairly reliable indicators of the needs in question , the differential allocation of staffing was appropriate and just .
17 ‘ It seems to me appropriate and just , ’ went on Miss Fergusson , ‘ that the first traveller to ascend the mountain upon which the Ark rested should bear the name of an animal .
18 A few days later , from the bleak room of a grimy hotel , the rain pouring down outside the window , he surveyed his surroundings and wrote forlornly : ‘ Theo , I never suspected her , nor do I now , nor shall I ever suspect her of having had financial motives , more than is honest and just .
19 I got up there quite early and just waited .
20 Cooking for a healthy heart is easy and just as delicious as doing things the ‘ coronary ’ way .
21 When applied to women universally this becomes a stereotype , overgeneralised and just a step away from the sexist argument that women are ‘ naturally ’ caring .
22 As with the curriculum generally , there is a readiness on the part of parents , school boards and municipal officials to trust the professionalism of teachers to ensure that the system is consistent and just , in and between schools and municipalities .
23 Labour council leader John Williams said the pedestrianisation of Skinnergate and High Row was long overdue and just the first step in a town improvement strategy .
24 Her hair 's very straight and just an ordinary brown .
25 The Soviet Union was increasingly perceived as a moral and just counterforce to fascism .
26 Gloucester after Saturday 's match at Kingsholm were left feeling just as impotent and just as confounded after Bath had stormed away in the last five minutes of extra time to win this semi-final .
27 The assessment of practical subjects and their funding remains a problem , but the negative attitudes towards Agriculture , which I remember so clearly in the years just preceding and just after independence in the countries where I worked and travelled , seems virtually dead .
28 Two or three were just fairly old and frail and just the stress out there was getting to them and I suppose some had relatively minor but painful things , not life threatening , but just uncomfortable .
29 He felt it was his duty to protect the girl if her claims against her father were right and just not a 1 5-year-old girl 's fantasies ’ .
30 Edward 's treatment of his youngest sons was markedly lacking in generosity , and noted by contemporaries : in a political sermon delivered during the crisis of 1376 Thomas Brinton Bishop of Rochester argued that the king should place his sons above the servants , for it was not right and just that servants should become lords and lords beggars .
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