Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] another " in BNC.

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1 Speakers there included former managing directors of BBC-TV , Sir Paul Fox and Bill Cotton , and Sir Michael , who is due to attend another farewell dinner tonight , hosted by the BBC .
2 A second objection that will be brought is that it is odd to treat another as a rational being , in the Kantian sense , in erotic relations , of all places .
3 Alternatively , is it possible to find another way altogether , a way which does not simply resolve the dilemma , but one which transforms the problem into a solution ?
4 But looking at the whole thing from a higher perspective , it seems to me that the Leeds management may be thinking that we are not going to win the championship this season or at least they are prepared to wait another year to have a go .
5 The generals are now prepared to accept another civilian ; but they want Mr Ozal to pick the right man .
6 ‘ We will be safe , but they will go free to bomb another plane , because of me . ’
7 I repeat that it would be wrong to impose another layer of bureaucracy , when a more streamlined local government structure is needed .
8 Like a chain reaction , such suspicions quickly breed upon themselves and in the convoluted world of intelligence find ready ears because there is always someone willing to denigrate another person 's opinions .
9 This shows that even if a court is not prepared to award one remedy , it may be prepared to give another instead .
10 We have regularly said that we are prepared to put another 1p on the standard rate of income tax to ensure that people are properly trained and skill-trained , so that we can tackle the problems of the 1990s and try to achieve a much more dynamic and effective economy .
11 Meantime , it would greatly help if United Motors could see its way clear to build another factory in Ireland , particularly if it could be built in the South West , where the Prime Minister was having to face re-election in a year 's time .
12 Yet it is interesting to read another speech , reluctantly dropped very late in the play 's completion , which both showed Christianity in some ways working with the savage world , and looked back with a different point of view to the earlier worship of a human god in the unpublished ‘ Exequy ’ poem in the Waste Land manuscripts .
13 ‘ If that is their view , then I 'm not prepared to send another horse to Taunton , ’ said the Lambourn handler .
14 This shows more inhumanity because he is willing to send another man to his death for no other reason that he is black and that he does not like him .
15 A man may be willing to believe another who claims that a particular woman has a liking for sado-masochism or has other sexual preferences .
16 Too old to get another job !
17 Part of him hankered after the poetic Victorian times when women died in childbirth at twenty leaving their partner free to get another young girl .
18 Might be interesting to have another try .
19 Andrew had every right to assume he was free to take another wife . "
20 Earlier , Lukanov had stated that he was not prepared to head another one-party government , since Bulgaria needed a " government of national responsibility " backed by parliamentary consensus .
21 Next thing I knew he was at the door , insisting that I accept the invitation and asking me if I was prepared to make another documentary with him !
22 The following list of the main nutrients in food shows that if there is one type of food that you do n't like , or find too expensive , it is possible to substitute another within the same group to keep the diet balanced .
23 It was essential to get as much flying time as possible , for John was off to Wildenrath the following day and it would have been almost impossible to arrange another date to carry out the all-important conversion .
24 They would be content to see another purge of the suspects , such as myself .
25 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
26 Wondering if my worm had been chewed again , I picked up the rod to reel in and was delighted to find another roach on the end .
27 Was it easy to find another job ?
28 When a team loses five or six games it is too easy to accept another defeat .
29 Anyway , having said that Wilko would be nuts to buy another Midfielder of any sort .
30 But it 's just as easy to put another slant on it .
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