Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] and " in BNC.

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1 No , it was n't transport related , I knew that my , my group , because everybody was placed in a certain group by age and , er I knew that I was due to go and I thought oh well this is hanging around you sort of wanted to get on with it .
2 I have half a mind to defy their demands of space and economy , and to sleep on until awakened by the next pale arrival herself , expectant to abort and puzzled at my slumbering presence .
3 As I said earlier , I was grateful to go and work in Britain and I also was grateful for all the great writers in English .
4 Tomorrow it would be possible to drive and drive she would , back to Palma and the apartment .
5 Then he told Kāli to go and graze the cows , and Bi ā to tend the sheep .
6 It was quite refreshing to see and read that someone else saw these things and could articulate them in a better and more entertaining way than I could
7 Calculations make it possible to compare and contrast molecular configuration or perturbations with experimental results and ‘ at times ’ can expose them as possibly accurate or inaccurate .
8 In this it is also possible to plan and display future cultivations and other operations .
9 In contrast to the other option , it might be possible to monitor and recover the waste .
10 Government revenue was such that not only was it possible to sustain and indeed expand expenditure on the national health serve , it was possible to do so without substantial increases in taxation .
11 The desert is not a place conducive to jest and pranks .
12 Also , it is n't physically possible to sit and listen to a rap album all the way through .
13 Are we sufficiently innovative to sustain and grow our business ?
14 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
15 Any part of the cost of a development which is attributable to plant and machinery will generally qualify for a 25% annual allowance if it is used for the purchaser 's trade or leased by the purchaser to another for the purpose of the other 's trade .
16 It is possible to observe and enjoy from the sidelines , and , of course , there is life beyond the office — hard for the young to believe but as rich and full as any corporate involvement .
17 No party would now dare go to the voters promising a prohibition on women 's right to work and to a wage .
18 It suggests that the system should be replaced with an interest-based penalty , possibly rising to a deterrent rate , which would discourage late payment due to neglect and ‘ playing the system ’ , without unduly penalising those who are genuinely unable to pay or small businesses , which are usually less organised and therefore bear the greater brunt of penalties .
19 This also favoured multi-employer bargaining arrangements because , since the workforces of geographically-concentrated industries are likely to be subject to less variation in local labour market pressures , it was possible to establish and more easily maintain a meaningful wage structure for district , or higher level , employer groupings ( Beaumont et al . ,
20 Once a mutation that causes an abnormality is observed , it becomes possible to try and identify and isolate the gene .
21 I do n't think it 's possible to try and keep it exactly as it used to be , nor do I think you 'd want to .
22 Where we have the , the erm , responsibility for a formal consultation , er , then we need to set about that process as soon as possible to try and meet our deadline , Mr Chairman .
23 people were simply too lazy to try and remember .
24 The problem was , he was too lazy to try and stop being lazy ,
25 Hopeless to try and impress you with my slender collection of classical music .
26 It was so strange to meet and talk to them in the flesh .
27 In March we marked John 's seven hundredth day by erecting a cell-like cage in Covent Garden and persuading as many famous people as possible to come and stand in it for half an hour while the press filmed them .
28 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
29 when she was due to come and she 's still got a very bad chest
30 It is not possible to know and yet not to know .
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