Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He looks a bit ill , smiles vaguely , and has a strange rather shy expression .
2 Their usual professionally lugubrious expressions slipped markedly into stark astonishment , almost disbelief , hoping , no doubt , that this was not a glimpse of the future .
3 Vancouver had its share of unusual ‘ characters ’ one of these being ‘ Professor ’ Francis , a tall rather unkempt and unshaven man who spent many hours in the CBC studio lobby watching the rehearsals or broadcasts through the plate glass windows .
4 The argument is that while elements of culture are not directly , eternally or exclusively tied to specific economically determined factors such as class position , they are determined in the final instance by such factors , through the operation of articulating principles which are tied to class position .
5 Parr was smiling when at last he greeted Jessica , his usual rather wolfish smile .
6 But now when Miss Fairgrieves must write about me , what Papa calls a ‘ moral report ’ , whenever he is away from home for more than a day , then it is always full of : ‘ Alice has been as usual rather headstrong , argumentative , even secretive … ’
7 THE sex in the rest of the film , otherwise the usual rather silly collection of schematic cliches by David Hare , follows a similarly leaden pattern .
8 The little dumpling stands to attention with its arms stiffly by its sides , as if being told off by a parent ; the shroud appears to be a shift with separate head-cloth but in actuality is nothing more than the usual loosely gathered linen , parted with greater than usual emphasis to show the entire face .
9 The type adapts easily to relief or drawing , since it is an extreme example of the ‘ two-dimensional ’ statue : broad rather flat front and back views , with very little depth between them .
10 Writers were Tom Leonard , Alasdair Gray and ( he joined us for ‘ The Pie ’ ) Jim Kelman and I. Tom 's black , black ironies and satires on the Lebanon , the New Right , the Media , West of Scotland sectarianism and chauvinism ; Alasdair Gray 's insane Grant family , his moneyed braggarts and blusterers , his quick shifts of dramatic power in curt sketches , his deranged respected old politicos ; Jim Kelman 's surrealist pubs and monologuing gamblers , and grim almost folk tales — like the story of ‘ The Hon ’ that comes up out of the lavatory pan ( ’ Yi nivir know the minit ’ ) meant that the broad rather lightweight stuff I wrote for these revues had plenty of stronger , more solid , meatier material contrasting with it .
11 They quite often leaped about on national monuments screaming , ripping apart their black pyjamas , and generally behaving as if you were all of the Grateful Dead rolled into one .
12 An early Grateful Dead performing in the inevitable hippy party scene in Petulia
13 He gave her his normal rather contained smile .
14 Good consistent quality wines produced by this mainstream highly popular house .
15 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
16 Perhaps some of your problems are not technical so much as aesthetic .
17 However , it 's certainly better to be safe than sorry especially better to be safe than sorry especially as one of the symptoms of a d.c. offset at the input would be a similar offset at the output .
18 I would n't wish it upon anybody to get pregnant so young .
19 Defence , which lost Labour so many votes in 1983 and 1987 , is especially important .
20 From there on , the topography is less demanding , the road undulating gently all the way to Monmouth .
21 Because of the common age of onset being in the late teens it can easily be equated with the usual somewhat awkward behaviour and natural rebellion of teenagers , and initially be set aside by both relatives and professionals , resulting in great family trauma , and at times violence or suicide .
22 James got to Corunna , where the whole force had been supposed to rendezvous and pick up Ormonde , in time to see the last battered casualties arrive , grateful perhaps that , so soon after his own recent sufferings in the Mediterranean , he had been spared this further ordeal .
23 Children get a lot out of them , much younger I think than most people assume , but I would also like to see changes in the organization of work for both men and women to make possible much more flexibility .
24 He was the inventor of water pick-up troughs laid between the rails , whereby a scoop lowered into the trough from the locomotive or tender allowed additional water to be picked up whilst the train was running , thus making possible much longer non-stop runs .
25 That 's right so that 's
26 that 's right much more powder than you use
27 These greetings are always positive , for with these women all life is of God : whatever trials or disasters are endured , they must be God-sent so all is well .
28 It was not until relatively modern times that the now prevailing terribly malevolent form of god worship had its origin , and became a deeply rooted human activity .
29 Where ground conditions are unsuitable less conventional materials such as cast iron and turf have been used .
30 He looked a pleasant enough young man , and genuinely concerned .
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