Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] made " in BNC.

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1 This chapter is concerned with the ways in which the results of these techniques are reported and more particularly with the legal and professional attempts made to standardize them .
2 TWO alert cops made a drug bust — and seized cannabis plants growing at the POLICE STATION .
3 His advanced views made him unpopular with many of the clergy .
4 King Hussein of Jordan yesterday promised a referendum on a plan to liberalise political life following a parliamentary election in which Islamic groups made striking gains .
5 Floored Masterpieces made Boyd 's reputation as a gifted young children 's book illustrator .
6 Floored Masterpieces made Boyd 's reputation as a gifted young children 's book illustrator .
7 Odd whistles made birds flutter nervously .
8 Hobbes had left England for Paris in 1640 , believing that his political views made this prudent and , as mathematics tutor to the future Charles II , he was associated there with the exiled English court .
9 The villages were cleared and two wounded Germans made prisoner .
10 The general consensus between the leaders of the Conservative and Labour parties made easy the initial reckless imposition of ‘ direct rule ’ from Westminster and at every subsequent stage has provided the basis for a bipartisan policy under which the party in opposition has supported the measures taken in Ulster by the one in office .
11 The second battalion of the Scots Guards made their final appearance at Edinburgh 's Dreghorn barracks .
12 Among the outstanding speeches made today , I have to mention that of my right hon. Friend the Leader of the Opposition .
13 On 4th March 1985 , the Fayed brothers made an offer of four pounds a share for House of Fraser .
14 The glitter in his hooded eyes made it impossible for her to hazard even the wildest guess at what he was thinking .
15 It was noticed , too , that he had taken the precaution of having some shoes with built-up heels made , so that when the ceremony was over and he took his wife 's arm to move slowly down the aisle , he appeared to be the same height as her , or very nearly .
16 When in the late 1960s wages and unemployment began to move together and then to accelerate rapidly the Phillips curve became somewhat discredited , despite various theoretical attempts made to rescue it .
17 BRITISH riders made a highly satisfying start to the Volvo World Cup Final in the warm-up competitions , though pride of place went to an expatriate , Lesley McNaught-Mandli , who now lives in and rides for Switzerland .
18 ‘ Our best developed areas are those which deal with the elaboration of motor skills made possible by our hands , while cetaceans seem to concentrate on areas of social perception .
19 A note in the Dialogue File provides a clue as to why Warner and Wallis were prepared to indulge Muni on this occasion , for it describes the film as being ‘ a red blooded drama of life in the raw , of men of primitive passions made desperate by hunger and deprivation ’ , ‘ a tale of strife and conflict , of greed and self sacrifice , of love and devotion ’ , and ‘ above all , a stirring plea for human justice ’ .
20 From 1976 to 1984 , all social groups made small but significant reductions in the consumption of refined sugar , saturated animal fats , and white breads .
21 George Best , a thin teenager from Belfast , whose dribbling skills made him into a star with Manchester United and the darling of the sports and gossip columns epitomized the new era .
22 VAT inspectors will visit registered businesses periodically to ensure that accurate records have been maintained and proper returns made .
23 The Scuttlers also jealously guarded the territorial seclusion of their local beer-house — known as the ‘ blood-house ’ or ‘ blood-tub ’ — and they were such a force in Lancashire that the public authorities made various petitions to the Home Secretary for sterner repressive measures to put them down .
24 At about the same time , French units made a diversionary landing at Kum Kale on the Asiatic side of the strait to confuse the Turks as to the Allies ' true intentions .
25 Her slim shoulders made her ample boobs appear even bigger , hanging like two deliciously ripe melons .
26 Along to the bottom left-hand corner ; then up the side , overcompensating for the slight uphill slope until she realized that the suit 's powered legs made her extra effort redundant ; along the top ; down the other side ; back to where she 'd started .
27 Securing public funds made available for urban regeneration has been a key target .
28 From 1911 to 1914 , the Irish high clergy made successive attacks on the trade union movement and on socialism .
29 Different styles made it thoroughly entertaining and nobody was complaining apart from me !
30 Seeing tears spring from Anna 's sightless eyes made Seb feel thoroughly ashamed .
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