Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 During other attacks , Abbey Hill provided warning soon enough for ships to fire rockets full of chaff — metallic strips that produced false echoes on Exocet 's radar .
2 At the end of August , Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust had its portfolios invested as follows : 0.9% Mexico , 2.6% Chile , 14.2% Brazil , 11.6% Hong Kong , 3% Indonesia , 9.6% Philippines , 8% Singapore , 8.1% Thailand , 7.6% Malaysia , 1.8% South Korea , 0.2% Hungary , 9.3% Turkey , 5.8% Greece , 5.7% Portugal and 11.6% liquid investments and cash .
3 An abacus uses human gall-stones on taut human sinew , the rocking horse has a semi-skeletal head , a set of wooden toy soldiers all have subtle mutations when looked at for a second time , and so on .
4 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
5 It may paper over things and succeed in buying time , but it can not overcome the class-based conflicts that will eventually bubble up to the surface .
6 We thus formally define equivalence of normal forms as follows .
7 I said that asymmetric arms races were more likely to lead to interesting progressive improvements than symmetric ones , and we can now see why this is , using human weapons to illustrate the point .
8 But in South Africa today , and surely for a good many years to come , there are also additional considerations that demand from a large company actions and policies that go beyond its immediate business interests and seek to ameliorate the excessive social and economic imbalances that have developed in our society .
9 Not to mention the profit being made by private clinics when rich girls are flown in to have an artificial hymen put in so that the rituals of defloration may continue .
10 Many health professionals were strongly attracted to the idea because it put them in touch with the community in a quite different way from their private clinics or hospital services .
11 The law , the result of years of lobbying by the Roman Catholic church , bans abortions in private clinics and puts strict limits on them in public hospitals .
12 private clinics and first thing in the morning
13 Persistent microalbuminuria — that is , urinary albumin excretion between normal values and values giving positive results with test strips — predicts diabetic nephropathy and is an early sign of kidney disease .
14 He has his spiky hair , strong opinions and wacky humour .
15 He 's a shy man with strong opinions and assertive ideas .
16 She also had strong opinions and found it hard to " brook any delay or frustration .
17 As in Belfast East it is possible that voters themselves , as well as party managers , may have strong opinions as to how their preferences should be expressed .
18 The discovery that someone knows a great deal about the effects of drugs and has strong opinions or whether or not a particular drug or process is or is not addictive is a strong positive indicator of addictive disease .
19 Attempts to improve occupational mobility for them may concentrate on a few professional openings where their colour is defined as an occupational advantage ( e.g. race relations advisers ) or on employers ( e.g. local authorities ) with positive action policies , or self-employment ( small businesses ) .
20 Activities included developing economic strategies and initiatives ; providing business support services ; improving the environment and removing barriers to economic development .
21 My one criticism of SansAmp has always been the harshness of the top end ; the GX-7 certainly has less odd harmonics and so produces a distortion sound which is more pleasing to the ear .
22 These motives , by dint of repeated presentation to the mind , counterbalance the powerful impressions of the private passions that oppose the common good ( Beccaria , 1963 , p. 12 ) .
23 Yet , despite this relativistic view of both private passions and the common good , the inevitability of a tension between them — of the problematic nature of conformity to the common good rather than deviation — is retained .
24 Texture was a matter of personal preference — some panel members relished heavy , sticky puddings while others preferred a lighter touch .
25 There are rules of interpretation which judges are said to follow and which prevent arbitrariness in the process , but in fact there are so many conflicting rules that judges are effectively free to choose which to follow .
26 Some are fitted with halogen bulbs for overall punch , or spots to light specific objects or to highlight .
27 Indeed the " United Front " was further restricted by an NAC decision on 16 February " to limit co-operation with the Communist Party to specific objects as agreed upon by the representatives of the two parties from time to time " .
28 Von Wilckens is equally at ease discussing specific objects and broader historical themes , in comparing textiles with other arts such as painting and metalwork , and in following the patterns of influence between regions in and beyond Europe .
29 Only because of Labour proposals and actions have schools managed to deal as well as they have with L M S. Congratulations , I say , go to the Labour Group .
30 Choose from solid woods and a range of finishes .
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