Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to peoples who believe that their communities have existence through time through rules of corporation , the Piaroa do not understand ‘ community ’ and the relationships of which it is comprised as a political given that allows for continuity through time .
2 When we first began to meet and talk in 1963 , he was expecting to be offered a Cabinet post in education if Labour won and he could keep in step for long enough .
3 In 1945 Labour won because its thinking was clearly in tune with the times .
4 It points out that the licensing functions were lowly regarded and observes that protection of investors by definition requires a ‘ rigorous and inquiring approach ’ .
5 It also gives me a patriotic thrill , knowing that it 's British designed and built .
6 It is British designed and made , and and have just one point of contact , the local installing distributor for every aspect of operation , including training and maintenance .
7 The watch is British made except for the movement which comes from the best Swiss supplier .
8 feet exhibiting the very best of British made and designed decorative lighting .
9 feet exhibiting the very best of British made and designed decorative lighting .
10 ‘ We are premium priced and we are not out to undercut others , but we believe we offer better value for money .
11 Portraits also play a major part in Clamey 's work , ‘ I 'm probably very old fashioned but I believe still that the principal aim or a portrait is to achieve a good likeness of your sitter , but you also have to create a picture . ’
12 Perhaps that 's old fashioned but then I 'm getting on in years . ’
13 But according to one retailer who thinks that the mail-order operation needs a lot of work to modernise and improve it : ‘ It represents cannon rather than rifle shot — it is old fashioned and they do not target customers properly . ’
14 But this is an old fashioned and potentially unhygienic method .
15 You can see a collection of old fashioned and rare farm animals : — horses , mares and foals , donkeys , cows and calves , pigs and piglets , goats , rabbits and domestic poultry .
16 Here you can see a collection of old fashioned and rare farm animals : — Shire and Suffolk Punch horses , other mares and foals , donkeys , Longhorn cows and calves , a variety of pigs and piglets , goats , rabbits and numerous breeds of domestic poultry .
17 The room was very old fashioned and beside each bed was a locker and a pitcher of water .
18 Italian standards tend to be slightly more old fashioned and individual and therefore higher than many new resorts .
19 And that 's 4 weeks cutting , shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques , both old fashioned and up to date .
20 Ballantyne 's style is old fashioned and Golding 's is more modern and up to date .
21 Mr Bensington , at first , wanted to call it ‘ The Food of the Gods ’ ( hence the name of the book ) but Redwood thought the name ‘ Herakleophorbia ’ meaning Hercules ' food was old fashioned and more appropriate .
22 And I went up and down the road and miles away then came back and I could n't stop because this bike was very old fashioned and you had to stop it by pedalling back
23 I 'm old fashioned and that 's it !
24 Labour 's Graham Allen argues that the present physical shape of the Commons is old fashioned and not suitable for the requirements of a modern democracy .
25 Well I mean you ca n't have rules without a police force , can you , and since there 's no poets ' union from which you could be expelled , clearly whether there are any rules depends entirely on the poets themselves and their readers , and everybody knows that until about the end of the nineteenth century almost all poetry was written in regular metre and regular patterns and , except for blank verse , in regular rhyme , and that this is no longer so and now you would either be deliberately old fashioned or you would have some special purpose , I think , if you wrote your poems in traditional rhyming schemes .
26 It 's real old fashioned cos you know the flush , when you pull a flush water comes up about that far from the top .
27 A masked man who broke into a woman 's house at Newbiggin , Northumberland , fled empty handed when she threatened him with a walking stick .
28 They caused about £800 worth of damage but fled empty handed when the alarm went off .
29 Of course , they returned either empty handed or not at all .
30 A considerable amount of mineral exploration has been carried out in Britain in recent years by numerous British based and overseas companies .
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