Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 This situation makes it difficult to use basal colonic motility as a basis for comparisons and has led to the development of provocation tests in a controlled environment in an attempt to characterise differences between groups of patients .
2 In France , the Directive is implemented rather differently but still with agricultural support as its mainstay .
3 Known in due course as the Deep , or Horse Level , it was the lowest tunnel which could conveniently be driven and still serve the new Bonsor Mill .
4 In contrast the epidemiologist views the surgeon 's patients at the aggregate level as clusters of variables .
5 For these reasons , ‘ the task of the left , in relation to the ‘ regional question ’ , should be to demonstrate the class nature of regional problems and state policy and institutions , and expose the use of spatial ideology as a dominant class strategy to split the labour movement . ’
6 Perhaps changing levels of transport provision can be regarded as part and parcel of rural change as a whole , as discussed in chapter 1 .
7 For a tax to be regarded as progressive , its rate structure must be such that the tax takes a rising proportion of total income as income increases ; a proportional tax takes a constant proportion , whilst a regressive tax takes a declining proportion .
8 Formal observation techniques and equipment are designed to reduce this discrepancy to a minimum but the nursing process depends on much more than can be obtained by this means ; therefore it is important for the teacher to have some understanding of the factors that affect the formation of percepts so that she can help the nurse to make accurate judgements where these are possible and to be sufficiently receptive and mentally flexible to consider more than one possible judgement as basis for action .
9 The lower curve shows the light intensity at the centre of the receptive field as a sinusoidal grating drifts across it .
10 Inflation had been estimated as running at 100 per cent a year , and Yemen 's economic difficulties had reportedly been exacerbated by the withdrawal of some Gulf countries ' economic support as a consequence of the government 's pro-Iraq stance in the Gulf War .
11 It seems that the best explanation for the survival of this kind of insider knowledge is that the knowledge is reinforced by frequent close contact with other speakers , and this is best accessed by a theory of network ties , which when they are strong function as norm-enforcement mechanisms .
12 Similarly , cosmetic surgery is seen in the professional literature as an option ( some parents choose it , some do n't ) , or even as a kind of cure , especially by the surgeons contracted to perform it , whose understanding of the issues extends as far as the principle that if people see a physically normal child they will react to it ‘ normally ’ and will elicit normal behaviour .
13 The mouth of the Loire has a submerged delta of this type , the two distributary channels being near the land on either side and separated by a mass of sediment some of which is exposed at low tide as banks in mid-estuary .
14 Second , regional policies play an ideological role favourable to private capital : they present the economic recession as a problem of geographical distribution of jobs rather than what it is — a problem of simply insufficient jobs on a national level .
15 In it Rolfe rescripted his pathetic , seedy , and unrecognized struggle as the dream-fulfilling election of his protagonist to the papacy .
16 The Egyptians used honey as a binding medium and sugar , gums and glycerin have been used , and are still used today , to hold together pigments with water .
17 Chesterton 's views were to become increasingly obsessional from the 1930s onwards ; Williamson , as The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight was to prove , particularly in its early volumes , regained a considerable measure of detachment and objectivity in his professional vocation as a novelist after the Second World War .
18 In 1732 Thomas Dover published a treatise in which he advocated metallic mercury as a treatment for a variety of medical complaints apart from syphilis and pointed out that , taken in this form , it did not cause the side-effects of other mercury compounds .
19 The possibility of controlling the monetary base as a means of influencing monetary growth is discussed in section 9.1 .
20 He breathed the air deeply , hauling it into his broad chest as if this particular air on this exact spot could be stored up and carried around as a reserve and reminder : for minutes on end he stood there , resisting any move which would lift the spell , gazing into the hidden valley as if in there lay the treasure he wanted .
21 He puts forward the radical solution that the range be given almost total protection as a wilderness area or area of land where the hand of man is less evident .
22 Differences between the studies include the fact that Canadian workers ‘ receive a substantial proportion ( 20–40% ) of their total exposure as an internal dose ( largely due to tritium ) , ’ that workers in Ontario did not have the types of chemical exposure received by the Sellafield workers , and that some of the control fathers with high doses were uranium miners .
23 Estée Lauder 's latest launch , Time-Zone , looks set to continue this preoccupation with dry skin as one of the first and most uncomfortable signs of an ageing complexion .
24 Reagan , furthermore , notwithstanding executive experience as a two-term governor of California , was totally without national political experience and was a complete novice in foreign affairs .
25 Creevey described his political creed as ‘ devotion to Fox ’ .
26 As well as working for theatre , he has composed the soundtrack for Tranfer 's show ‘ The Time of Her Life ’ , Jon Lever has extensive experience as a composer for dance .
27 I have personally written to the chairmen of the country 's 100 largest companies urging them to regard prompt payment as a matter of best practice .
28 Pecan nuts , which were first popular with native Indians , have found their way into Creole cooking as pralines and in countless variations of Pecan pie .
29 He gave me an odd look as if I was telling strange stories .
30 In 1978 he became marketing manager in General Chemicals and in 1982 went to ICI 's Agricultural Division as general manager , industrial chemicals .
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