Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
2 And now a subtle change was coming over the two hundred and fifty watching children in the audience .
3 A political decision is real enough but it is designed to leave things in the end exactly as they were in the beginning .
4 If a social and political decision is taken against tobacco products and cigarettes , clearly there is a social and political responsibility to find other forms of employment for those people .
5 erm I mean it 's a surely it 's a political decision is it not , I mean there 's been a lot of controversy as you I 'm sure are well aware about the Medley boat station ?
6 Here is an example of a political decision being taken at the highest level by an elected government which nevertheless felt itself to be more or less powerless in relation to a large transnational company .
7 Thus the political decision was taken to keep all five major steel plants in operation , including the distinctly vulnerable plant in Ravenscraig in Scotland .
8 COHQ 's plan avoiding a frontal assault was changed when direction of the raid passed to the Army 's UK Home Forces Command , after a political decision was made to replace the marines with Canadian forces .
9 When it comes to taking time off for work , most of you feel unable to give a truthful reason to your employer , and the usual excuse is a stomach upset or migraine .
10 But as the debates over possible American intervention in Bosnia showed , there are many cases where such conditions are not going to be met ; where the political case is confused , the endgame a matter of guesswork .
11 Several case reports have suggested that oral cyclosporin is effective in inducing clinical and endoscopic remission .
12 However , the real point seems to be that the risk of an uninformed auditor 's being misled after a change imposes a greater cost than the benefit ( unquantified and intangible ) that a compulsory change would provide .
13 For this reason , the term non-stoichiometric solid is often preferred .
14 But good planning and advance preparation are the best way to ensure the move is as efficient and trouble-free as possible .
15 Progressive literature is consistently upheld by Nizan as a process of disclosure centred on reality , Marxism and realism , and designed to advocate the justifiable demands of an aspiring class .
16 Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals , when colonic motility is known to peak .
17 Disorders of colonic motility are thought to play a part in several diseases , especially the irritable bowel syndrome , and also ulcerative colitis , diverticular disease , and constipation .
18 Instead of a person looking across the room to the door there is a groping in the dark so that a painstaking progress is made towards the door through constant reference to each piece of furniture .
19 Unquestioning faith is not always rewarded .
20 Labour present is Neil Kinnock , who speaks for 63 minutes and quotes Robert Frost about miles to go and promises to keep , and about a brighter dawn when poverty , privilege , fear , disease , woe , and war shall live only in the memory of time .
21 In extract 15 , for example , Cheryl 's Creole response is to the London English part of Jane 's turn , while Jane 's next turn is an English response to Cheryl 's Creole turn .
22 In the rabbit population , on the other hand , the balance of economic advantage is shifted towards those individual rabbits that are big spenders on equipment for running fast .
23 It is important to note that the elimination of the conditioned response is not accompanied by any motor dysfunction ; the animals still blink normally to the air puff .
24 Usually the greater the similarity between a new stimulus and the conditioned stimulus , the stronger the conditioned response will be , e.g. if the conditioned response is a reaction to hearing the note middle C and you change the note response is weakened gradually .
25 A base-plate adaptor is available for all the above-mentioned pumps and so — if you need it — is a coarse foam pre-filter .
26 There is growing awareness that much existing mainstream provision is irrelevant to black and Asian communities .
27 ‘ A recent in-house survey showed that almost exactly 10% of the students in the mainstream provision were unemployed ( 1300 out of 13,000 ) . ’
28 First , their ‘ basic ’ economic function is supplemented by a major role in economic restructuring .
29 THE station 's prime economic function was as a reception and distribution point for goods of all kinds .
30 They were largely economic interest groups — that is , their economic function was not yet differentiated from their aesthetic function .
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