Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [is] " in BNC.

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1 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
2 A political decision is real enough but it is designed to leave things in the end exactly as they were in the beginning .
3 If a social and political decision is taken against tobacco products and cigarettes , clearly there is a social and political responsibility to find other forms of employment for those people .
4 erm I mean it 's a surely it 's a political decision is it not , I mean there 's been a lot of controversy as you I 'm sure are well aware about the Medley boat station ?
5 When it comes to taking time off for work , most of you feel unable to give a truthful reason to your employer , and the usual excuse is a stomach upset or migraine .
6 But as the debates over possible American intervention in Bosnia showed , there are many cases where such conditions are not going to be met ; where the political case is confused , the endgame a matter of guesswork .
7 Several case reports have suggested that oral cyclosporin is effective in inducing clinical and endoscopic remission .
8 However , the real point seems to be that the risk of an uninformed auditor 's being misled after a change imposes a greater cost than the benefit ( unquantified and intangible ) that a compulsory change would provide .
9 For this reason , the term non-stoichiometric solid is often preferred .
10 Progressive literature is consistently upheld by Nizan as a process of disclosure centred on reality , Marxism and realism , and designed to advocate the justifiable demands of an aspiring class .
11 Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals , when colonic motility is known to peak .
12 Instead of a person looking across the room to the door there is a groping in the dark so that a painstaking progress is made towards the door through constant reference to each piece of furniture .
13 Unquestioning faith is not always rewarded .
14 Labour present is Neil Kinnock , who speaks for 63 minutes and quotes Robert Frost about miles to go and promises to keep , and about a brighter dawn when poverty , privilege , fear , disease , woe , and war shall live only in the memory of time .
15 In extract 15 , for example , Cheryl 's Creole response is to the London English part of Jane 's turn , while Jane 's next turn is an English response to Cheryl 's Creole turn .
16 In the rabbit population , on the other hand , the balance of economic advantage is shifted towards those individual rabbits that are big spenders on equipment for running fast .
17 It is important to note that the elimination of the conditioned response is not accompanied by any motor dysfunction ; the animals still blink normally to the air puff .
18 Usually the greater the similarity between a new stimulus and the conditioned stimulus , the stronger the conditioned response will be , e.g. if the conditioned response is a reaction to hearing the note middle C and you change the note response is weakened gradually .
19 A base-plate adaptor is available for all the above-mentioned pumps and so — if you need it — is a coarse foam pre-filter .
20 There is growing awareness that much existing mainstream provision is irrelevant to black and Asian communities .
21 First , their ‘ basic ’ economic function is supplemented by a major role in economic restructuring .
22 They articulate the service conception of the function of authorities , that is , the view that their role and primary normal function is to serve the governed .
23 Right FIGURE 5 This diagrammatic sketch is meant to demonstrate the elements involved in the movement of legs and wings .
24 The strain of caring physically for someone may be lifted , but the emotional responsibility is not .
25 Thus , if the total award is large enough ( say , reflecting three years ' employment and loss of salary and contract benefits for that length of time ) , an ex gratia payment will not reduce your former employer 's legal liability towards you at all .
26 To summarize the total award is thus made up in this way there are agreed items as shown on the er schedule of the plaintiff 's submissions which come to three hundred and fifty two thousand , five hundred and ninety six pounds ,
27 There is a very slight rise in death-rate in those who are mildly overweight , grade 1 , and also in those who are underweight , grade-1. but this low rise is so small as to be insignificant .
28 The most complete surviving part is the tower , and the fittings in the first-floor hall are particularly fine .
29 There is a peculiar appropriateness , especially to readers of today , in the use of the Glasgow grocer to reconcile the mixture of Ruritanian romance and political forecast in this late Buchan thriller , whose emotional direction is never entirely clear .
30 The hierarchical algorithm is designed to keep all paths short .
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