Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] who " in BNC.

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1 His attitude has changed from being one of someone superior punishing someone who had insulted him to that of him being a bully and chasing down a poor wretch .
2 Getting the airline up and flying — proving wrong everyone who had doubted him — became an obsession .
3 Oskar Werner , the short , blond and — dare one say it — quite possibly steatopygous one , Jeanne Moreau , and then the tall , dark , elegant , good-looking one who doubtless had kissable teeth ( what was his name ? ) .
4 It would be a brave man who would accuse Aitken of cheating on his present club to protect his first senior team , however , and a foolish one who continued to harbour the notion after watching his display of honest professionalism .
5 GET RICH QUICK- Anyone who has a copy of Hue And Cry 's Shuggie And Shout tape to sell , write now and be rewarded generously .
6 There are several reasons for this ‘ regression towards the mean ’ ; it could be based on a genetic process , or it could be because a father ( mother ) who is above the mean in ability marries on average someone who is less able than he ( she ) , and so the child , reflecting the ability of both parents , is less able than the father ( mother ) .
7 She was a writer , a real one who got books printed .
8 The till , the till locks , and erm we used to assemble those as well and er it was a fortunate one who used to do the lacquering , there was a big er big erm heated table and er it was easy work to do the lacquering you see and you used to have to put them on the top of the heated tower to dry before they were packed to go away , but erm they were , it was a hard place to work for but er the one son Mr he was always in London and er this is n't being recorded now is it , is it ?
9 The early one who goes to erm Lowood , you know , and er
10 It 's a terrible appetite-killer , sitting opposite someone who picks and fiddles with their food , when all the time you 're desperate to tuck in like a pig . ’
11 It 's pretty good knowing someone who lives and works on a big Highland estate if you want to sort out your attitude to the big debate on stalking and access .
12 He opens the door and JIM BROADBENT — the glum one who 's always in Alan Bennett plays and Wood & Walters — comes in with his wife , ICE-T )
13 The fat little one who sorted you out this morning was the S.M.O. Get me ?
14 Did I tell you about her little one who had stomach pains ?
15 The interviewer will get their names mixed up and Fred Fm — the bald one who does n't sing — will smile and say ‘ just call us all Gloria ’ .
16 Then she will ask if they have a label for their music and Richard Fm — the bald one who sings — will say ‘ St Michael ’ before his brother chips in with the episode 's one almost serious observation , saying , of their success : ‘ I think it 's because we play with our tongues in cheek .
17 Joshua 6 ends with a curse pronounced over the charred corpses of the city 's inhabitants , promising anyone who might rebuild the city that he will do so at the cost of the lives of his own children .
18 Second , it is God himself who not only speaks but also hears that ‘ No ’ in the person of the one man who does not deserve to hear it , the righteous one who stands in the place of the unrighteous .
19 The tall one who wears the yellow jacket ten sizes too big .
20 It was only the odd one who grew a shell like Timothy Gedge 's .
21 You 're the strange one who turned up in a top hat .
22 that 's the that 's the point of er conjecture you see , they 're not s they 're not sure who who 's going to take over
23 The richly-dressed one who paid you over the odds ? ’
24 At the other extreme to the shy child is the unruly one who does not want to join in any activity , has seen every trick the magician performs and ‘ knows ’ how to do them .
25 I was the awkward one who kept asking difficult questions , such as , Why is n't Leo in the Forces ? and What war work do Helen and Dora do ?
26 The Great One who became small , the Wakeful who slept . '
27 ‘ I am sure anybody who had responsibility for this collection would have to consider this course of action . ’
28 And it may well be that that we 'll have to you know make sure everybody who 's running a training course , gets this particular
29 As for the poll I think Gav is just a little bit biased in his choice of Cuntona , as im sure anyone who has seen him will confirm Gavs evening job is actually as a Cuntona look a like you know posing for pictures for the Sun with an easel and tweeds .
30 Only a professor at the Collège de France could imagine that anyone ( let alone someone who had exchanged bovine nicknames with a Masai warrior ) was capable of any such omniscience .
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