Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] there " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , I 've , I 've been through over the year 's I 've been doing this and they say , whether it 's because they know if the background at the er vets , the private vets there , you know I do n't know , but the information I get from them , that there 'd a , there not prepared to over .
2 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
3 If there has n't been an historic massacre there , then somebody ought to organise one , or at least a bit of a tiff , to do justice to its shadowy , sombre sentinels of cliffs .
4 Regional accent there , regional accent
5 The opposition umbrella organization , the Mongolian Democratic Union ( MDU ) , established links with the parties in eastern Europe which had forced political change there ( such as Poland 's Solidarity ) .
6 If the Syrians had not permitted Hezbollah to have a presence in the southern suburbs of Beirut , there would have been no Iranian presence there .
7 Erm what about your maths , have you got any outstanding projects there ?
8 What , then , are the main constraints on Soviet attempts to project its power into the sub-continent and to consolidate a strong economic presence there ? perhaps the most obvious and important factor to take into account is still the long-established and deeply entrenched socio-political and economic ascendancy of the United States of America .
9 The great thing is that everybody has been to the cinema , and many have had a strange experience there . ’
10 It is reported that on 22 March Nijazi Beqa and five other political prisoners there went on a hungers-strike against their conditions .
11 Alongside the efforts of these ‘ across the curriculum ’ working groups there has been a commitment to review the work of courses , departments , and faculties .
12 Trouble was he lived at Selsit , which was up over the Pennine Way , across the high moor , and it meant a three-hour trek there and back .
13 The University of Munich has nearly 45 000 and Berlin 's free University has more than 47 000 , with another 25 000 or so at the Technical University there .
14 At the 1921–2 Washington Conference Japan agreed to restore Chinese sovereignty in Shandong , but only in return for Chinese confirmation of Japan 's economic privileges there .
15 Sovs. being the technical term there for pounds .
16 But this increased local differentiation cuts across party lines , and especially within the Conservative and Labour parties there has been an increasing ideological polarization , which , though denied expression in the tightly controlled atmosphere of Westminster , often surfaces at the local level .
17 I parked Armstrong in Golden Square , which is known as On Golden Pond to those who work in the posh offices there , and cut through Brewer Street .
18 On the other hand , the housewife , engaged in her working day , hears a knock on the door and finds a complete stranger there with a clip-board to which is attached a rather large sheet ( or sheets ) of paper covered with duplicated sentences and ominous boxes .
19 How are you supposed to go to sleep with that flipping light there ?
20 On Feb. 12 Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister and National Defence Minister Michel al-Murr , returning from talks with Syrian officials , said that the army had instructions to ban any displays of armed force there .
21 Stall for time in n it Yes that is a very low seat there .
22 Ledeen always thought it self-evident that America should re-open contacts with Iran ; it could profit from the political fissures there , and could perhaps exploit the chaos that would undoubtedly follow the end of the Ayatollah 's rule .
23 Up to now , he has given pat , perfunctory answers , but suddenly he opens up — letting slip an emotion here , a telling reminiscence there .
24 The early Funafuti boring reached 340m ( approx. 1 130ft ) while seismic work suggests up to 760 m ( approx.2 530 ft ) of coral overlying volcanic rock there .
25 s three public houses there in a , a row , must be fairly unique that .
26 The head of the decyphering branch of the foreign ministry there claimed in 1823 that he had personally broken eighty-five foreign codes , at a time when eighty to a hundred letters were being opened on each working day .
27 And er single track at the time , and running double track , and platforms either side , Erm a er wedge shape platform , nice wooden building there , another building there .
28 And there 's that wooden building there .
29 John , thank you very much indeed , two contrasting views there .
30 This urban base once distinguished these movements from such parties in Europe , although extreme-right phenomena there in the 1980s have ( with exceptions ) now taken on some of the distributional features of the British extreme right 's support .
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