Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] become " in BNC.

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1 As the net tightened , though , and those were taken away , so the only possible freedom became to protect ourselves and to try to consolidate our position .
2 Using the Macintosh 's mouse-driven user interface to the full it allows complete tyros to become publishers almost overnight .
3 We shall perhaps all in due course become " educational technologists " , in which case the term will be ready , like the state , to wither away .
4 It was through this most improbable passage of Scripture , taken home to her by the Spirit , that she in due course became a Christian .
5 He subsequently joined the merchant service , rising in due course to become commander of a transport vessel , in which capacity he accompanied one of the expeditions to Greenland led by Sir William Parry [ q.v . ] .
6 Scott-Kilvert showed his affection for Greece by serving for many years on the council and executive committee of the Anglo-Hellenic League , in due course becoming honorary secretary .
7 But no matter how erratic the behaviour of the monetary authorities becomes , the private sector will sooner or later latch on to what is happening .
8 Combined operations became the commando 's métier and he would become as accustomed to calling up a battleship 's gunnery officer or the leader of a flight of rocket firing Typhoon aircraft as he might be radioing for mortar fire from his own Heavy Weapons Troop .
9 Against that background a European framework becomes more attractive .
10 The professional correspondent became a stock figure in farces and films .
11 By now you will have made a definite decision to become an actor — no matter what the problems or obstacles .
12 The more technically advanced agriculture becomes , the smaller is its dependency on natural endowments .
13 In all these areas — the unions , the local authorities , the Church , the media , the universities and schools — the paradox was that a government notionally dedicated to extending individualism and the private ethic became a champion of greater centralization and state control .
14 The machine-based fundament of modern civilisation has emancipated even those most exposed to severance from the requirements of life ; broader and less mutilated existence become a viable possibility .
15 The reasoning behind casting him as the father in The Hooded Owl became clearer by the minute .
16 Help in maintaining the prices of agricultural products became a permanent feature of government policy from this time .
17 The options and the commitments were various , and some form of rationalization , clarity or working hypothesis became essential once the Robbins proposals for immediate action were endorsed .
18 None the less those who engaged in frequent political discussions became particularly aware of the Conservative Party 's stress on defence .
19 In the context of changing national and international social and economic conditions , the maintenance of an inflexible , narrow political framework became increasingly untenable .
20 The parties at the centre of the political spectrum became more outspoken in their criticisms of the government .
21 Volcanic bombs become partially streamlined and rounded as they are thrown through the air or pass rapidly through the magma in the neck of a volcano when they are violently erupted .
22 In his inaugural speech to the congress on Dec. 2 the DPK leader , Masoud Barzani , said that " with the holding of the 10th congress our belief in victory through an armed struggle becomes stronger " .
23 As competition for tied houses became hotter from 1905 , with licensing magistrates actively closing down pubs and beerhouses , Hoare 's began grabbing up other brewery firms where they could .
24 Nevertheless persistent surpluses became a problem from 1948 onwards .
25 The Comintern worked predictably but with difficulty to establish control over the recalcitrant comrades in both factions but was faced with firm opposition from those who did not wish to see Korean communism become a minor branch of the world communist movement directed by Moscow .
26 Each of his three surviving sons became clock-makers , as well as two of his stepsons , his son-in-law , Thomas Loomes , and his brother-in-law , Andrew Prime .
27 Full employment gradually came to be thought of as a fact of life whilst percentage rates of growth of this or that economic measure became the punctuation of political rhetoric .
28 If the White Welsh is crossed to black or red animals and the offspring are also crossed to black or red , the dark extreme of the colour-pointed cline becomes evident and the coats are colour-sided or linebacked .
29 Elsewhere members of the public had experienced odours from one source for over 20 years ; needless to say even the most persistent critic became tired of complaining over the years .
30 However you feel about the useless violence of these eruptions , it was the riotous protests of 1981 which created the space in which political antiracism became an option .
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