Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] may " in BNC.

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1 There are other ways of getting non-controversial private members ' bills through which may be looked at , including the Scottish Grand Committee .
2 We know from experience that many factors — some of which may never be apparent to outside observers — determine whether a prisoner of conscience is released .
3 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
4 But it is also about the unstable evolution both of homo erectus and his culture , all of which may be a vast illusion if what man does is simply continue his savagery while trying to repeat faint echoes of some suspect original grandeur .
5 More probably , decay and deterioration of materials and installations is the result of lack of maintenance , the results of which may include blocked or broken rainwater drains , displaced roof tiles or peeling paint finishes , all of which can lead to timber decay .
6 The felt acts as a membrane which isolates movement in the boards from the asphalt , the natural elasticity of which may not be sufficient to absorb such movement .
7 It has a long , narrow plan , the northern end of which may have been used for stabling horses or housing the cattle .
8 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
9 It 's not unknown for an American to want to show a dozen video tapes , each of which may cost £50 to transfer to the British system .
10 But Aeroflot , its successor or its 20 constituent parts-each of which may form the nucleus of a national carrier in the republics-are likely to need 500 new or newish Western aircraft to continue services .
11 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
12 Prominent among these is lack of spontaneity for which there may be a number of reasons , two of which may be characterised as ( 1 ) a high degree of vested interest , and ( 2 ) a high concern for one 's reputation .
13 They characterise the management of secondary schools as having a number of features — many of which may be attributed to the absence of effective staff management policies .
14 Much of the rhetoric surrounding motivation is based upon a number of misapprehensions , each of which may be answered :
15 A good hunch is heuristic , productive of preliminary explanatory propositions and capable of analysis into a priori axioms that can be reformulated into hypotheses , some of which may be practically testable .
16 Hereto is appended an estimate of the cost of the works suggested to be constructed departmently by the Canal Company the total of which may roundly be put at £12,000 .
17 Hawkshead Church has nearly 200 documents confirming this , one of which may be seen in the Church .
18 It was he who , in 1344 , the year in which Prague became an archbishopric , laid the foundation stone on the site of a Romanesque basilica , the remains of which may be seen in the crypt .
19 Farther along on the same side is the tower house of the 13C and still farther along there is a good market hall of 1895–8 by J. Fialka , the original iron struts of which may be seen through the modern ceiling .
20 In cleaning and disinfection there are six basic steps , some of which may be combined or omitted , to evolve a particular method .
21 Prepare a brief report or booklet about the area — its history and any interesting information about the buildings it contains , some of which may already be listed .
22 There is a feeling of malaise , that is ‘ unwellness ’ , on top of which may be specific symptoms due to the involvement of certain organs or parts of the body .
23 This method of making compost in the field is known as sheet composting , a variation of which may be achieved after a cereal crop by chopping the straw and stubble ( using a forage harvester with delivery spout removed ) behind the combine , spreading slurry , and then rotovating the mixture into the top soil .
24 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
25 Three quite separate elements may be involved , all or any of which may be present at any one time .
26 There is thus a proliferation of public examinations of a practical kind , any of which may be taken at the new schools , of which the GCSE seems to be only one , if it is to be taken at all .
27 You must also take into account any local exchange control regulations , the effect of which may make it sensible for the contract to stipulate that part of your salary shall be credited to you elsewhere .
28 These include an effect on gastric emptying and intestinal transit time , the reduction of intraluminal pressure and colonic faecal transit , all of which may alter central blood pressure regulation via afferent nerves from the gastrointestinal tract ( Anderson , 1981 ) .
29 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
30 But besides unintentional incorrect reporting in newspapers there is also the problem of bias , much of which may emanate from the political stance taken by a newspaper in an uncensored society .
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