Example sentences of "[prep] [be] having " in BNC.

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1 I mean , she seemed to be having a good time .
2 He seemed to be having difficulty in controlling the muscles which worked in his forehead and at the corners of his mouth .
3 Even the SIB itself appears to be having self-doubts about the unwieldly monster it has created , particularly at a time when the City 's self-regulation will have to be grafted on a more legalistic European Community framework .
4 ‘ This is Miss Huntley who was supposed to be having lunch with Angela today . ’
5 Most people around are totally unaware that the person is likely to be having such thoughts , who in turn feels they would be deeply shocked if they knew .
6 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
7 The Fatah leadership was reported to be having an emergency meeting in Tunis as a result of the reports .
8 A number of factors are conspiring against the South Africans and they profess to be having real problems with the heat and humidity , exacerbated by the fact that Trinidad is experiencing its highest temperatures for a year with bushfires bright in the hills around the Port of Spain area .
9 They never seem to be having a great time .
10 Tommy Sparks was a man having a remarkable thirst and woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to be having a haircut around opening time .
11 If you are told that someone ‘ had seen what has happened ’ , that person is more likely to be having questions addressed to them than to be posing questions themselves .
12 They all seemed to be having a lot of fun , and I envied them , but the thought of jiving in a tight blue skirt and Waaf knickers was quite impossible .
13 But it seems to me to be having just the opposite effect . ’
14 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
15 It seems a grim , uncosy life there , but it appeared ( yesterday at least ) not to be having that effect upon her .
16 He set up the TV Times coverage , and we all pretended to be having a wonderful time for the benefit of the camera .
17 24 April : The Sun seems to be having second thoughts about Ken Livingstone : ‘ If the Labour Party had been led by John Smith over the last nine years , perhaps it would have been in power today , ’ says an editorial .
18 We had met Ms Keir at the offices of MVTR , where she seemed to be having trouble with her tape machines .
19 We 're supposed to be having a good time today ! ’
20 The Healys who had come to start the hotel were reported to be having difficulty in starting a family .
21 Was that how Nellie 's Mum came to be having a baby , I wondered ?
22 SEX thimble Dudley Moore appeared to be having bags of fun as he flew out of Britain with wife Brogan Lane yesterday .
23 Lack of loadings have forced the two trips on July 15 and July 29 to go to the wall and FSS spokesman John Leech said : ‘ The recession still seems to be having an effect on the way people spend their money . ’
24 To an Elf or a Dwarf , they seem to be having a violent argument .
25 If this figure applied to the county as a whole then the criticisms which were used to attack progressive methods were quite unjustified ; far too few schools had embraced Plowden for them to be having the catastrophic influence which their detractors attributed to them .
26 ‘ You do n't even need to be having a nervous breakdown to become a burden to a priest husband , you know .
27 The company is also said to be having difficulty moving a significant amount of lower-end Sparcstation series 10s out of the channel and into end-user sites .
28 He seemed to be having some kind of fit .
29 Northern men seem to have most sex : it 's slightly more common for them to be having sex 4–6 times a week , they 're least likely to have had only one partner in the past year , and most likely to say they get enough sex .
30 His face was flushed , his eyes glinting with excitement ; he seemed to be having difficulty breathing , too , and he spoke so rapidly that he slurred his words .
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