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1 This became known as Say 's Law , named after the French economist Jean Baptiste Say ( 1767–1832 ) .
2 ( For a critique of Deem 's emphasis on the relations of capital rather than those of patriarchy , see Nava , 1980 ) .
3 In some ways ‘ Kaldor 's Law ’ could be seen as a re-statement of Say 's Law : supply creates its own demand .
4 Better , yes , better than erm , some , in the old days when you used to take those photo 's they used to be awful did n't they , erm , everybody sort of look 's as if they were staring and sort of all
5 One of SAVE 's most important groups of publications aims to give architects a developers a clear set of principles to adopt in dealing with particular types of buildings .
6 The latest of SAVE 's publications is Bright Future : The Re-Use of Industrial Buildings , written with the architect Francis Machin , who is best known for his futuristic conservatories , but whose conversions include the transformation of my own barn into a library and office .
7 The key to the success of SAVE 's publications , and indeed our message as a whole , is conveyed in one word : photographs .
8 Almost all the members of SAVE 's initial committee were under thirty and the first starry-eyed plans of raising £15,000 in the City to set up a well-equipped office and a secretary for one year came to nothing .
9 Much of SAVE 's work takes the form of responses to Mayday calls from local people concerned about the imminent loss of a local landmark .
10 One of SAVE 's strongest suits has been the readiness , when other alternatives have been exhausted , to initiate legal action .
11 ONE of SAVE 's strongest suits has been the readiness , when all other alternatives have been exhausted , to resort to legal action .
12 One of SAVE 's best known campaign led to its purchase for £1 .
13 One of SAVE 's more curious cases is the stables at Capel Manor , Enfield , North London .
14 1977 saw the opening of the major Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition , ‘ Change and Decay : The Future of our Churches ’ , which was organized by two of SAVE 's committee members .
15 Max Hanna , an economist at the English Tourist Board who was joint author of SAVE 's Preservation Pays , calculated that the preservation of the Cathedral was then worth £5 million gross income , or £1.5 million net , each year to the local economy .
16 Following publication of SAVE 's report , Michael Heseltine listed the building , and the City Corporation reacted immediately by applying for consent to demolish .
17 Contributions from runners usually make up around £20,000 of ASPIRE 's annual revenue .
18 The title of Cater 's article ( 1977 ) , ‘ Soil erosion : the problem persists despite the billions spent on it ’ , speaks for itself .
19 Manman/X is the Unix version of Ask 's business information system that supports all aspects of manufacturing .
20 If glass vessels were prestigious drinking vessels , one might expect their cheaper equivalents to appear in the ceramic assemblage ; true skeuomorphs are not present amongst the pottery , although there is a strong similarity between the turned wooden vessels with metal rims from the Sutton Hoo mound I ship burial and the squat jars of Harden 's type VIII ( 1956b ; 1978 ) .
21 Suppose now that Pry and the seller of the house have reached agreement on the sale , but no formal acceptance of Pry 's offer has been drawn up by the seller 's solicitors .
22 This was mostly because the $40.3 billion charged to its cards was far ahead of Discover 's $19.4 billion , and because Citibank had built up three times as much outstanding debt as Discover .
23 Press releases It was Simon Jenkins who set out the basic modus operandi for SAVE 's initial work — the press release .
24 According to the Nilson Report , a Californian publication that follows the industry , Citibank 's Visa/MasterCard and Sears ' Discover cards have roughly the same number of holders ( 20.4m and 21.6m respectively ) , but Citibank 's card brought it $600m in net revenue against Discover 's $117m last year .
25 Topics covered include creating custom formats , creating charts with Excel 's ChartWizard , generating reports and editing the worksheet .
26 Both are replacing minicomputer-based systems with Clarify 's ClearSupport technical support management system , shipping this month .
27 In Deem 's view , it is not surprising that the dominant gender code of schooling in Britain is that of strong classification since there is a strong sexual division of labour within British society .
28 In SAVE 's 1983 report Mike Pearce observed that many of the pubs in Winchester 's historic city centre ‘ have been modernised and remodernised to present the tourist with open-plan fast-food interiors modelled in the character of some mythical Merrie Englande ’ .
29 This was included in SAVE 's report , Empty Quarters .
30 In SAVE 's experience , most listed buildings under imminent threat have not been offered for sale .
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