Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But so are you , ’ I protested , really astonished because he had been so reasonable about my activities up to now .
2 I forget how it was that I told Maurice Reckitt about it before Eliot , who usually received prior intelligence about my activities in this sphere .
3 ‘ You would n't think that a young man once wrote a poem about my ankles .
4 More came welling and flooding under the door , so that I suddenly found it all about my ankles .
5 The article said nothing about my answers to these critics , and nothing about the content of my actual talk at Wellesley College .
6 But I 've become scruffier and scruffier , and although I do keep myself immaculately clean , I ca n't be bothered about my clothes any more .
7 I do n't care about my clothes — I do n't care about the money — I can steal some if I have to .
8 She has go to bad that I worry about my fingers when I carry out water changes .
9 I may be tempted to offer the spontaneous inclination itself as reason for my choice , and say I shall do it because I want to do it ; but in examining myself objectively I see that a fact about my wants and likes would be directly relevant only to a causal explanation of my actions , and could be used in deciding what to do only as I use any other objective facts .
10 Even my dad , he makes sexist remarks to me about my looks .
11 ‘ When I was growing up , I never thought about my looks and I never seem to get used to talking about my features .
12 I 've heard people say disparaging things about my looks — a narrowness of shoulder , thinness of face , pointedness of nose .
13 But I do n't care about my looks because you are not here .
14 ‘ All you 've done , Dr Vaughan , should you be interested , is wreck my self-confidence and give me an inferiority complex about my looks . ’
15 ‘ Up to now ’ , Miss Honey went on , ‘ I have found it impossible to talk to anyone about my problems .
16 Before I was dependent on drugs , then I was dependent on people hugging me and talking about my problems .
17 ‘ I 'm not the kind of person that talks about my problems — I 'd rather sort them out myself .
19 Dashed rude about my roses , I may say .
20 I feel comfortable about my periods , not embarrassed .
21 ‘ Talk about my X-rays ?
22 Even with the warning shots of ‘ wanting to talk about my X-rays ’ , I was stunned .
23 What does this show about my interests ?
24 And I was asked about my interests , and naturally I began to talk about politics .
25 ‘ And I 'll tell you about my dresses .
26 I attribute it to frequent and energetic sex , to our not having children , to my habit of deferring to him , and lying about my actions , my whereabouts , my politics , my emotions and my orgasms .
27 I will not go into details about my adventures and shameful acts as Hyde .
28 ‘ I used to get down about my injuries , but I shared digs with Alan for two years and he always kept me going .
29 Of course I got nowhere and she found out all she cared to know about me ( though not about my friends ) .
30 ‘ Then we had an inquiry from Fiji and our vice-chairman told me to reply and ask about my friends .
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