Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who so much as hints at a ‘ third way ’ between communism and capitalism is considered naive ; there is simply no time to try more experiments .
2 ‘ In the course of time the present [ 1954 ] conflict between Communism and Democracy , between East and West , is likely to pass just as the religious wars of the 16th and 17th century have passed .
3 Le Cheval de Troie , focusing as it does on the street confrontation between communism and fascism , is evidently a fictional distillation of these events viewed from the vantage-point of Moscow .
4 Technical disturbances arising from the interaction between communism and the novel form are consequently in Nizan 's eyes merely the logical outcome of the communist writer 's refusal to acquiesce to what are perceived as the oppressive structures of bourgeois politics , ethics and culture .
5 Now it was East-West between Communism and Capitalism .
6 The research concentrates on five countries of Western Europe in which the relationship between communism and single-issue radical movements is particularly salient : France , Italy , Belgium , the Netherlands and the United Kingdom .
7 Sometimes the choice of non-English knights , without lands in England , might be troublesome — the Savoyard Jean de Grilly , for example , used his position as lieutenant and seneschal in Aquitaine to build up a considerable territorial holding in the Bordelais .
8 Edwards ( 1979 , 16 ) , for example , characterises the situation as one where for most of the twentieth century management have met ‘ chronic resistance to their effort to compel production ’ and consequently ‘ have attempted to organize production in such a way as to minimise opportunities for resistance and even to alter workers ’ perceptions of the desirability of opposition ’ .
9 Aside from this speaking volumes about the worldwide potential for struggle and conflict on the one hand and great reform on the other , it says a lot about your capacity to triumph over the circumstances that you meet .
10 Mann tries to combine the desperation of their plight with a more lyrical look at Indian respect for struggle and death , all of which sits together a smidgeon uneasily until the final reel .
11 The Rally of the Guinean People , the Guinean Party of Progress and the Union for the New Republic announced on Oct. 8 the formation of an opposition alliance , the Front for Struggle and for Government ; the main aim of the front was to press for the postponement of legislative elections scheduled for November , in order that a national conference could be held beforehand .
12 An unusual atmosphere results : it is , so to speak , sub-XXXX Christian : there is an implication throughout of positive ideals , such as self-sacrifice and asceticism , but they are rarely pressed ; only occasionally does the narrator let himself testify .
13 Significantly , too , Taylor also mentioned the bleak relationship between boardroom and terrace .
14 A divorce is decreed between wave and particle which quantum theory had forever joined together .
15 During the work the original opening between Cell-y-bedd and the church was discovered , thus explaining the entry in the Parish records in 1721 ‘ for shutting up Melangell 's door — 9 pence ’ !
16 In the debate about restoration scripture could be quoted both for rigour and for mercy .
17 If , through self-awareness and conscious effort , you can get more frequently into an I 'm OK — You 're OK position , you are , in effect , inviting other people to adopt an I 'm OK — You 're OK stance also .
18 Secondly , pathogens already in food can be prevented from multiplying by adequate refrigeration of perishable foods and avoiding delay between preparation and serving of food .
19 Le Monde of Feb. 3 described the " sudden conversion " of Modrow ( who had previously stressed that reunification was not on the agenda ) as a response to rising popular pressure for reunification and to the continuing exodus of East Germans to West Germany .
20 Third , it has been suggested that government provision may encourage an unhelpful separation between payment and cost in the minds of consumers .
21 Both Morrissey and Kristin Hersh work with and within the flux of adolescence — the vacillation between agoraphobia and claustrophobia , possibility and constraint ; the feeling that one 's body , and the cultural meanings attributed to it , are a cage .
22 These extraordinarily close ties between TD and constituents are not spontaneous or disinterested .
23 There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992 , so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert .
24 There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992 , so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert .
25 The apophyseal pits may also become closely approximated , the boundaries between pleuron and sternum may be lost by fusion and a cuticular inflection may be developed along the mid-line of the ventral surface .
26 Three years ago the Independent Scientific Committee for Smoking and Health declared that there was a ten to fifty percent increase in the risk of lung cancer and respiratory diseases for non-smokers who became passive smokers .
27 WACC has helped to provide computerised equipment for typesetting and page lay out .
28 Many people have assisted in producing this report but we would especially like to thank Dave Maley of Falls Community Council for typesetting and designing the report .
29 In the government 's view , such diversity is healthy , accords well with the English and Welsh traditions of school education and makes for liveliness and innovation . ’
30 Jewish men make themselves more holy by separating from Jewish women , both to avoid women 's impurity and to seek a holy space for prayer and relation to God , defined by the exclusion of the female .
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