Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Churches are best for prayer that have least light … .
2 It is during gastrulation that the cells leave the outer surface and move inside the region where they will form the gut .
3 It is during gastrulation that the main body plan is laid down ( Chapter 2 ) .
4 It calls for simplicity that is neither dull nor empty and for humility that is in no way false . ’
5 They have whetted a lust for sensationalism that has turned us into a nation of accident watchers .
6 If the conditions were such during trial that an actual or potentially hazardous situation arose questions of safety predominate .
7 Despite huge debts and a still disproportionate reliance on farming , an enviable record of strong growth and low inflation matches an appetite for change that ought not to be surprising in a society where half the population is under 28 ( and more than half the nuns and priests are over 60 ) .
8 As I travel around to explain Labour 's economic plans , I can feel the great passion for change that is gripping the country .
9 WHILE the Ministry of Defence may be looking at major cut-backs in all three forces , the RAF Museum ( RAFM ) has announced its own form of Options for Change that will see a welcome major change in the aircraft exhibits at Hendon .
10 It follows that a critical mass of teachers who see their job as not just delivering education but as re-creating it , in however small a way , is the absolute pre-condition for change that is purposeful and cumulative .
11 It should not be forgotten that , in addition to those being regulated , there are those who have the power to influence the composition of the accounts , thereby manipulating the directions for change that they consider desirable .
12 They also worked towards and in alliance with the landed interest in the context of a low-profile , informal , state where there was a shared unease about the pressures for change that were coming from the lower social orders .
13 Whilst such experimentation in community education may be small-scale it does provide the opportunity for adult education to demonstrate in microcosm the potential for change that inheres within the adult education framework , given the right political context .
14 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
15 Some of the EC 's other governments will soon have to start explaining why they deny their voters a remedy for recession that has proved so effective .
16 Besides which , what is so attractive about this surrendering of unitary identity , this fetish for fragmentation that characterizes so much of modern intellectual life ?
17 But it 's not only for seafood that people today move towards the docks : the Raj in Henderson Street is one of the most elegant Indian restaurants in town and , in the hinterland of the Ferry Road , there 's the Vinotheque , which has the feel , and the appearance , of a genuine French routier bistro .
18 Hierarchically more general term is artificial intelligence ( see paragraph 127 for text that discusses artificial intelligence and expert systems ) .
19 She does , however , point out that these techniques are only suitable for text that displays the specialised sublanguage characteristics .
20 Now this very autonomization means for Bourdieu that in one given area there are two ‘ fields of production ’ .
21 It means most of all for Bourdieu that the value of political products is largely determined outside of the political field .
22 As pupils begin systematic work on explicit knowledge about language in the secondary school they will learn through experience that some simple working definitions have to be refined to take account of the complexity of language structure and use .
23 ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
24 — John Major , Foreign Secretary ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
25 The third is a less tangible but no less striking phenomenon , the general feeling for freedom that has come over us all , an understanding heightened by the recent escape of millions of people by 1990 from the miseries of authoritarian rule and command economies .
26 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
27 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
28 The programme is open to people who have been mulling over an idea for some time and experts will give it the commercial analysis it needs and , if it stands up , the business planning and search for funding that it merits .
29 Where are the 365 collecting boxes for last year 's Ian Botham Walk for Leukaemia that never made it back to Corporate Communications ?
30 As well as the points mentioned there are the usual claims for Latin that it improves competence in English , facilitates the learning of other languages and so on .
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