Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Without it you 'd be just another beautiful , exotic woman , magazine-cover material , for look ing at .
2 Lilies have to push their way through thyme covering the soil of their pots , so that there 's a green covering even when the eye-catching bulbs have finished flowering .
3 ‘ 1(1) If a child is born disabled as the result of such an occurrence before its birth as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below , and a person ( other than the child 's own mother ) is under this section answerable to the child in respect of the occurrence , the child 's disabilities are to be regarded as damage resulting from the wrongful act of that person and actionable accordingly at the suit of the child .
4 Much the same can be said about sentence parsing .
5 Many other European firms are in trouble and some , like Volvo and Renault in 1990 , began to consider merging as the prospects for protection continuing beyond 1992 seem dim .
6 The London Interpreting Project 's Directory ( £4.50 inc p&p ) gives more information about link working .
7 We had one engineer on duty , so he went out and spent about hour drafting a whole bunch of Z-sections made out of steel .
8 Young males are busy right through adolescence establishing their own home ranges and learning the pecking order among the orangs in their part of the forest .
9 The lack of correlation between platelet activating factor content and the severity of inflammation in colonic mucosa shown by our present findings , speaks against inflammatory cells as the sole source of platelet activating factor synthesis .
10 There was a positive correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid or pepsin output but not between platelet activating factor precursors and sialic acid .
11 There was a positive correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid or pepsin output but not between platelet activating factor precursors and sialic acid .
12 We assessed gastric platelet activating factor , lyso platelet activating factor , and AAGPC outputs and analysed correlations between platelet activating factor and precursors , and gastric acid , pepsin , and mucus linked sialic acid .
13 We found a relation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid , and between platelet activating factor precursors and pepsin .
14 We found a relation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid , and between platelet activating factor precursors and pepsin .
15 A possible relation between platelet activating factor and gastric acid secretion and platelet activating factor and gastric motility has already been suggested as a physiological phenomenon in the gastrointestinal tract .
16 As the regression analysis showed a significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and both acid and pepsin but no significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and NANA , we suggest that platelet activating factor precursors would not result from degraded gastric mucin .
17 As the regression analysis showed a significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and both acid and pepsin but no significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and NANA , we suggest that platelet activating factor precursors would not result from degraded gastric mucin .
18 Actually I am still in two minds about mibbe squeezing in a quick Hughes or a Heaney somehow .
19 Industry troubleshooter Peter Ryan , current chairman of airline Dan Air , will shortly move in as chairman replacing Mr Torday , who will concentrate on his role of chief executive .
20 MILLIONAIRE Alan Sugar will be staying on as chairman following the defeat of his buy-out plan .
21 Hope his new wife knows about his penchant for present giving .
22 More attention , therefore , has been paid to the process by which rank-and-file intelligenty were recruited into the underground ; the interaction between their ideological development and the popular pressure for change welling up from below ; the social composition and structure of the revolutionary organizations they created ; and the impact which those organizations had upon the masses they sought to represent .
23 Those speakers whose ties are weakest are those who approximate least closely to vernacular norms , and are most exposed to pressures for change originating from outside the network .
24 Is there a wood preserver I could use on the wood which would be used for support piling , or will I have to replace it as and when it starts to rot ?
25 The deal is a timely boost for Scotland 's top steeplechase after a long , fruitless search for support following the decision by William Hill , sponsor for the past 15 years , to pull out after last year 's race .
26 Inflation here has been rampant , the charge for admission having increased sixty-fold since I was a lad .
27 The MIT-originated Sparcle CPU project described at Hot Chips ( UX No 395 ) proved to be an old LSI single-execution 40MHz Sparc CPU simplified for fine-grain multiprocessing in a highly parallel MIT system called Alewife .
28 All of the opportunities which exist for course monitoring in a monolithic , longitudinal course structure also exist at field level in the Modular Course .
29 This skeg is not particularly good to windward , so for course racing large racing fins are favoured .
30 At only £2.99 for a full head perm or £1.99 for part perming .
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