Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The trail continues to another section of forest at Mullaghfad , leading out of the forest onto a road and ends nearby at the Glenoo Bridge over the Colebrooke River on the boundary between Co Fermanagh and Co Tyrone .
2 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
3 For mum Carol and dad Ron it was their first child and they were absolutely delighted .
5 Initially , the services will operate through existing routes through west London .
6 In January 1920 Poland was awarded a Corridor to the sea through West Prussia to the Baltic coast .
7 It was about 13 miles from Hotel Vancouver and was reached by driving through Stanley Park , across the Lions ' Gate Bridge , then turning left through West Vancouver to the end of Marine Drive .
8 The PLO escorted the British through west Beirut and they were replaced at Khalde by Major Hassan Kassar of the Libyan army , a reconnaissance officer for a Libyan-sponsored Arab League peace force that disintegrated some days later .
9 We knew that any night we also would be ‘ target for tonight ’ for through West Brompton , along our borders , ran the only usable railway from the south to the north of Britain .
10 This caused their own physicians to refer to the Aztec chalchihuitl as piedra de yjada or ‘ stone of the loin' .
11 The Shell Miri contract was awarded in May , together with further work for the Port of Singapore Authority and for Shell Singapore .
12 The maintenance , modifications and services contract ( MMSC ) for Shell UK Exploration and Production continued to make good progress in driving down costs and a strategy is in place to accelerate this process in 1993 and beyond .
13 WASHINGTON DIARY Time for change Fred Halliday ponders on the primaries , the Cubans and Mr Moonbeam
14 Elsie had wept for kind Mrs Doran and for her husband , that strange , silent , sympathetic man , lifting his feet cautiously as he sidled across the polished floor .
15 Although the house was dark and frightening , with its big rooms full of heavy furniture , I was excited at being in a new place , and looked forward to my new life there , working for kind Mrs Fairfax .
16 The pay-offs are written for contestant A.
17 CASKET , the Falcon bikes to kids ' clothier , waved off chairman Neil Balfour just before Christmas .
18 It is this property which is relevant for building GR .
19 Assist in the development and activities of the European Council for Building Professionals.PS
20 Queen 's Bay Lodge , once known as Easter Duddingston Lodge , was the home of the Jenner family , who later used it as a staff hostel .
21 The only disappointment for chairman Peter Johnson and his board was an attendance of 5,870 more than 2,000 down on Friday 's ladies night crowd .
22 Next Thursday 's club E.G.M will debate a plan for chairman Wallace Mercer to buy the ground and lease it back to the club .
23 With the reserves winning 2-1 at Falkirk to stay top of the Premier Reserve League , it was a good day all round for Hearts , though one disappointment for chairman Wallace Mercer was that the game at Tynecastle was watched by just over 7,000 .
24 ALRESFORD Mothers ' Union members were welcomed to their March meeting by Pat Ruffle , deputising for chairman Barbara Jones .
25 When the results were first announced at 7.45am , they heralded a busy day for chairman David Sainsbury .
26 Over the other side of the square from the gate , you can see scaffolding soaring into the air where people are working to a frantic schedule to complete a magnificent mausoleum for Chairman Mao .
27 It could even beat the £35,000 top price paid by Linfield to Shelbourne for striker Gary Haylock this summer .
28 But there is a more immediate aim for striker Ian Wright who is fighting a fitness battle to return in the live Sky TV game against the club which sold him to Highbury less than a year ago and show he is still the man England need .
29 And he had hard words for striker Dean Holdsworth .
30 WIMBLEDON have turned down a £1.6million bid by Southampton for striker Dean Holdsworth .
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