Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And some housekeeping tasks under DB2 3.1 such as reorganisation of the database are expected to take less time .
2 And some housekeeping tasks under DB2 3.1 such as reorganisation of the database are expected to take less time .
3 Erm as you say Mr Campbell er the plan at the moment is that the F two thousand will replace jaguar and the tornado A D V F three aircraft and the scope er of replacing other aircraft er remains under consideration , er provisional off take of two fifty er was declared at the d the start of the development phase and of course our work share in development is based on that number .
4 In 1753 , for example , Provost William Christie of Stirling sought Lord Milton 's intervention with Lord Loudoun on behalf of his son-in-law , Ensign Gunning , who wished to purchase from Charles Elphinstone his commission as Lieutenant of Stirling Castle , or if that was not permitted , the commission of the Ensign of the Castle .
5 His appointment as lieutenant of the Tower in June 1660 placed him in a position vital to the maintenance of order in the City .
6 Edmund of Lancaster , loyal to the end , was to play a major part in the Anglo-French diplomacy of the 1290s and died represent-ing his brother as lieutenant in Aquitaine at Bayonne on 5 June 1296 .
7 In 1900 he received a regular commission as lieutenant in the 6th battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers .
8 In 1822 he was commissioned as lieutenant in the 9th Royal Dragoons , transferring to the 12th Lancers in 1826 .
9 Ernst & Young has been the exclusive distributor for KnowledgeWare in Europe since 1986 , but the company now has direct distribution operations in most European countries including Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Italy , the Netherlands , Norway , Portugal , Spain , Sweden and the UK .
10 Genes - for resistance to antibiotics , for example — can be swapped between micro-organisms of completely different species naturally , in the wild .
11 Hitler had stood for resistance to a cancer spreading across Europe .
12 Selection for resistance to mastitis and good fertility at the same time as selection for milk yield and quality is proving effective in the dairy cattle population of Norway .
13 One reason for resistance to the new paradigm was the sheer impossibility of convincing geologists in the traditional way : by convening on an outcrop and hammering out the evidence .
14 This involved the translocation of the gene responsible for resistance to the carbamate insecticide propoxur on to the male-Y-chromosome so that only the males were resistant .
15 Through this people God called for resistance to the great rebel and usurper of the world .
16 The first decade of annexation ( 1910–20 ) witnessed the most rigorous phase in which draconic punishments were enforced for resistance to Japan .
17 The 1920s and 1930s are just as notable for resistance to incursions from the peripheries of the discipline , as for the rise of Scrutiny .
18 Hence , in the mouths of conservative lawyers , we catch an appeal to the radical doctrine of the sovereignty of the nation ; it alone could provide a theoretical basis for resistance to a French king whose claim was legally established by the formal abdication of both Ferdinand VII and his father .
19 Procyclic trypanosomes were electroporated with linearised plasmid DNA and selected for resistance to phleomycin ( 17 ) .
20 Horses often display these signs when asked to perform a difficult movement , and will be marked down for resistance in a dressage test .
21 Late in 1867 , despite calls for resistance from among his more conservative supporters , he formally returned political authority to the emperor , but this move proved inadequate to appease his more extreme opponents , who argued that while the Tokugawa continued to control more than 25 per cent of the country they were bound to play the dominant role in councils of state .
22 With his own hand , the king characteristically gave the fragments of the old seal 's silver matrix to one of his clerks for donation to some poor religious house .
23 Clearly , gifts of precious metal were something in which Cnut delighted , and it has recently been argued that the magnificently-illustrated gospel books which have survived from this period , and others which have not , were commissioned by Cnut and Emma for donation to favoured individuals and churches .
24 ‘ However , it is recognised that , even with a totally effective referral system for donation of organs following death , there will not be sufficient organs for the people needing life-saving transplants .
25 SIR , — Dr Jha and colleagues ( May 1 , p 1116 ) report antibodies against human papillomavirus ( HPV ) 16 E7 peptide ( originally reported by Mueller et al ) among women who had been diagnosed with cervical carcinoma on average 4 years before being contacted for donation of a serum sample .
26 Although the price of a dishwasher may seem expensive , the costs of actually running the machine can work out to be far less than for washing-up by hand .
27 Once this point has been reached there will be a rapid reduction in the number of non-reproductive males , and the large units will be broken up into a number of smaller ones , in part through takeovers and in part through fission of units containing followers .
28 That 's entrance for look at the back .
29 They consume , destroy , and devour whole fields , houses and cities For look in what parts of the realm doth grow the finest and dearest wool , there noblemen and gentlemen , yea and certain abbots … leave no ground for tillage .
30 It was not , he answered , through want of trying : clubs were either unwilling to sell so early in the season , or were asking too high a fee .
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