Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] having " in BNC.

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1 Firms that have particular local difficulties , through perhaps having a plant that is environmentally unfriendly , may offer generous school industry links to boost the firm 's image in the community .
2 The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights .
3 The good thing about only having one option is it cuts out a lot of rubbish you do n't have to think .
4 Irate with frustration through constantly having to pick up my pencils after bending over , I really thought I 'd cracked it when I bought a ‘ posh ’ mechanical pencil , with a clip .
5 Unless the man is a total stranger — and sometimes even then , too — a woman may blame herself for somehow having failed to prevent the attack .
6 One man who spoke about already having made the decision to only have safer sex was ridiculed by some of the others .
7 First , though , give him the benefit of a voluntary defence , possibly against Alex Stewart , and then let him get on with making us all feel good about finally having another British world heavyweight champion .
8 Lambie had committed some form of cricketing treason instead of merely having the guts to reveal the Pakistanis ’ ball-tampering trickery in an unauthorised Daily Mirror newspaper article . ’
9 The same applies to fulfilling the goal , worthwhile in itself to many , of merely having men in space .
10 Sefton , however , had their reward , winning the over 45 team race despite only having 10th placed John Dobie amongst the top 30 finishers .
11 But I ca n't tell you what it felt like , first of all having cancer , secondly trying to talk about it , and being continually asked , ‘ Well , how are you Jo ? ’ and you 'd see their eyes glaze over and they 'd think , ‘ Christ , I hope she 's not going to tell me ! ’
12 She was a large woman , flushed with the exertion of constantly having to answer the door , and she still showed in her black hair , grey eyes and lovely skin , traces of her Irish forebears .
14 On the one hand she was filled with total elation at the prospect of soon having Kirsty with her .
15 And there 's also the cheap ego massage of just having people come up and recognizing you , which is very nice when you 're young but gets progressively more boring .
16 Sort of just having someone being there cos otherwise I 'd , I 'd spend a you know
17 The reason for this is straightforward , since if the established firm is in the position of already having sunk its fixed costs then it is naturally in a better position than the potential entrant , because the cost of the equipment is irrelevant to the decision as to whether to produce .
18 The other consequence was that , if Stewart kings did not live and reign until a ripe old age , they had the immeasurable advantage of always having been kings ; most were barely aware , some not at all , of any time in their lives when they had not worn the crown .
19 Make a point of always having more than one project on the go .
20 Thus monotony and fragmentation are intimately connected , and through the need to accomplish a long series of jobs each day , a feeling of always having too much to do may be added .
21 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
22 Using something tangible like photographs keeps the memory load down to a minimum and eases the stress of always having to think of something to say .
23 A solution is suggested which combines the requirements of always having someone , with next to no power vacuum , at the helm , together with what today may be taken as being the common preference in the political parties for the Leader ( and hence Prime Minister ) to be elected .
24 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
25 You fitted more snugly into society , especially , the tight little society around the Consul-General , if you were married and could take your wife along to dinner-parties with you , instead of forever having to be fixed up with a stray aunt or somebody .
26 Dublin can not bring itself publicly to renounce its territorial claim to the North , while privately living in dread of ever having to acknowledge a direct responsibility for Northern Ireland 's Protestants .
27 We 've waited so long , I 'd given up all hope of ever having a bairn . ’
28 And of course there was no question of her having escaped from a mental hospital or of ever having been in one .
29 Members of congress , by contrast , enjoy great power without responsibility ; it is possible for them to wallow in carping criticism and to engage in other negative tactics free from the anxiety of ever having to shoulder the responsibility for government — a burden that the president can not escape .
30 In any event , I have no recollection of ever having had any differences with her except on one occasion when she telephoned me to make a request with which I was unable to comply .
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