Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 waste recycling er er , I ca n't remember where I read , I read it through somewhere it was I felt quite good .
2 Well really that 's l by and large what groups is all about so it 's clearly that they do and there 's some cases here of sort of cyclists cycling harder and faster when they 've got they 're training with other cyclists or erm when they 're training against the clock .
3 For below it , muffled , pressed sometimes against the weight of a cloud which is at once soft and heavy , are phantoms .
4 The underlying question for a reader of criticism is what influences are exerted on the critic ; but as in this instance , for long it may be impossible to know the truth .
5 For long it was thought that wet spraying turned the buds to a wet mash , and therefore dusting each individual bud was necessary .
6 Once they must have been dead level , but not for long It was Student Cross that had really swept him out of her reach .
7 In 1718 a system of intendants on the French model was established ; and though it did not survive for long it was revived in 1749 with marked success .
8 Interestingly the resolution is below that of the Hi-Res screen displays on several of the computers that the Touchmaster is available for so it will be impossible to resolve to a single on , for example , the BBC Micro in Mode 0 .
9 And the only thing is that finally after three months of waiting for the received all their medals and things for so it can go ahead .
10 But it was after so it was n't really
11 This was not of itself disastrous — after tonight it would once more be his profession — but whereas painting had a tangible end result ( two , if he included the recompense ) , pursuit and seduction always left him naked and empty-handed .
12 Shortly after 7.30pm it was announced that no support band would appear and Toni would be on stage at 9.00pm , the audience having to combat frustration and anticipation , for over an hour and a half , intensified sales at the two bars rapidly .
13 But after today it 'll be back to earth with a bump .
14 ’ — For thus it is in Heaven . ’
15 Well I know let's face it , if he , if he was really convinced of the falsity of most it he
16 On the right-side of Xenly it was fashionable to be fat , the fatter you were the higher you stood in society .
17 The darkness has n't necessarily gone , but now I can live with it , instead of inside it . ’
18 Yeah erm so er yeah right that 's er because I mean what 's nice to see in these things is if you 're able to tell some sort of coherent little story from er y'know kind of these er people 's ideas , themes , speculations , evidence from previous studies and all that kind of thing and this is this is the data that we 've got that tells us something about those and says how misconceived they all are or how it may confirm them or whatever and then y'know a couple of bits sort of so it 's like a nice narrative but sort of fairly y'know sort of continuous argument going through which is nice to see and so er yeah .
19 But at an individual le level as well if you want , but no not kind of just it 's not a commitment to have to go away and do something next week .
20 So out of yesterday it was how to put the structure together as the delivery of how it came across and what the audience 's reaction was to it .
21 The other rib , of beef I mean , to get a piece that 's worth cooking cos to carve it and everything else you need at least three ribs and the ribs are sort of usually it 's about that sort of size
22 It is , it 's sort of like it 's sort of like extradited from the rest of the er the rest of the whole university , you know , nobody really cares about what goes on at Handsworth .
23 and all too often erm people are taking off departments to do training but then it 's the same old thing of well it 's the needs of the business
24 A sort of well it looked like black wool but I mean it obviously was a brushed cotton I would say .
25 and it 's sort of well it 's not well they do get full that 's if she suddenly does longer than
26 very patriotic to their country of well it 's not up there , but
27 , into Nottingham and Eric of well it 's Derbyshire , Ilkeston .
28 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
29 We see an incredible number of young people , and it worries me immensely that these are people at sixteen who 've been chucked out of their homes , and they are being pushed down by bureaucracy , that they are being penalised for leaving home at sixteen when it is not their own fault , it is the fault of well it is the result of family breakdown that they are being pushed out .
30 In the post-Althusserian context of today it is nevertheless somewhat startling to find the Althusser of Reading Capital citing his debt to Foucault ( along with Bachelard , Cavaillès , and Canguilhem ) as one of our masters in reading learned works'. perhaps even more unexpected , in the light of the fact that a popular British Marxist position on Althusser is that he simply turned history into theory , is the choice of Foucault 's Madness and Civilization ( ’ that great work' ) and The Birth of the Clinic as examples of the kind of history , focused on the necessity of the production of a concept , that he was advocating .
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