Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Can , can we leave that word alone for for a moment cos I think it 's a bit of red herring er , to some degree .
2 This subcontractor has worked for for a number of years .
3 And I mean I 'm talking in matter of a few thousand pounds , to do for for a whole year .
4 And you could go and get er a get a good dinner for anybody w yeah when they was poor if they had fish and chips for their dinner you see it never used to cost them all that much for for a dinner .
5 Er apart from , you 'd get a ramble , you know y y you 'd go along for for for for a ramble , er my most most of the time was er made up er by er cooking your grub , you know ?
6 And what was it like for for a bairn on on Pharay ?
7 Well you could n't er the men were hired on the farms for for a term of six months you know .
8 And it was er er too big again for them to b become tied in one place for for a whole six months .
9 He knew I needed the money and he knew he 'd got me for for a he 'd have got me up at six o'clock in the morning if he 'd have needed me .
10 Erm there 's tremendous pressures I think for for a mother particularly erm at the early stage in the marriage when she has young children at home .
11 Erm you you 've asked er chairman for for a general comment on on what 's been referred to as environmental discount , environmental considerations and so forth .
12 Erm if there are areas la large areas around Greater Greater York particularly to the west of the city , which because of their flat open character would not be suitable for for a new settlement .
13 Erm now could you help me on some of the the terminology used because I gather that six of the packages have been or about to be erm priced on the basis of a ascertained costs erm I I just wondered if if that was a sort of euphemism for for a cost plus .
14 This Madam Deputy Speaker , is no way to regulate for for a major issue .
15 Today 's cost for for a fitter ?
16 And I think it was six vouchers for for a free
17 And I I do n't want to spend all night chasing round Blackpool looking for for a place that serves ordinary food of a decent standard .
18 for for a
19 Oh yes , did that at the beginning for for a long time .
20 I really needed these two nuts and bolts for for a chair I 'm making at home .
21 In making a case for for a new exceptions policy our our starting point really is the erm strategic planning framework provided by structure plan , that 's Policy I five and the proposed Policy E two .
22 Hypnotics should be prescribed , preferably for short periods only , where insomnia secondary to distress is undermining in individual 's resources , such as during a severe grief reaction .
23 Its depressant action on the central nervous system affects emotional states in the short-term — such as during a drinking session — and long-term — where there is regular heavy drinking .
24 This hardening Soviet response ensured that further diplomatic activity by Britain on behalf of the EEC plan , such as during a visit by Prime Minister Thatcher to Pakistan in October 1981 , made no progress .
25 As soon as possible have your photographs developed and make a summary of all the important defects and other points which you are not happy about as a result of your survey .
26 Enter Dick Hansen from Illinois who was still thinking about that P-40 he dreamed about as a child .
27 ‘ How about as a newsman ?
28 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
29 I kept my word to Jenkins and backed his proposals for all I was worth as a welcome , if minor , rationalization of the creaking old eighteenth-century ox-wagon of our criminal law .
30 Before offering accommodation try to ascertain any preference the guest may have , such as for a room with a view or a room away from traffic and noise .
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