Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] like " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Woe to us ! ’ they say , ‘ For nothing like this has happened before .
2 I was due to attend a meeting with several other women whom I knew and felt in sympathy with , and when I arrived there , the weight of my unhappiness just rolled off me like an unwanted burden .
3 They want to hear truths which do not make them narrower but broader , which do not obscure but enlighten , which do not run off them like water , but pierce them to the marrow . ’
4 Does Honor care about me like that ? "
5 I thought he 'd be thrown but he went through them like an express train . ’
6 ‘ He used to get through them like a packet of Polo mints apparently .
7 Huge volumes of plant material flow through them like a river , all the day long .
8 grapes no not one twenty , yes , Keith goes through them like a hot mouth through butter .
9 I feel new strength , vigour and energy entering my being , flowing through me like rivers of light .
10 ‘ Something instantly circulated through me like an essence of fire , and striding with wider steps I determined to go at once for my model , to begin tomorrow and to make the most of my actual situation .
11 He stared at me , and his eyes went through me like a trident through a fish .
12 Now , my happiness curls through me like a vine .
13 I have said I understand little ; at that moment I understood nothing , and that terrible lack ran through me like an electric shock .
14 ‘ Oh , they 'll take you for that , all right ; they 're fishing for them like mackerel . ’
15 until there pushed home after long erm bit too much , to being together to often sometimes ruins the love , er loving means you except the person completely for what they are and you do n't mind , they are what they are and your , you care for them like that .
16 ‘ We do try and do things a little differently for them like giving them complementary fruit and maybe upgrading them to an executive room . ’
17 They 'll have something special for them like concentration camps .
18 He could see the bridge now , its stones gleaming silver and the hart 's tongue ferns between them like shivering slivers of metal .
19 They brought him into the yard lolling between them like a rag doll — arms draped over their shoulders .
20 Their words fluttered between them like lubricious little doves .
21 ‘ And during those two weeks in Grasmere , Mrs Moore became convinced that you would — ’ again the blank and again the word was conjured up between them like a spirit conjured from the mountain .
22 " As England is Denmark 's faithful tributary … as love between them like the palm might flourish , etcetera … that on the knowing of this contents , without delay of any kind , should those bearers , Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , put to sudden death " ( He double takes .
23 Tossed between them like a broken toy fit only for the dustbin .
24 The words vibrated in the air between them like the aftermath of an explosion .
25 They glared at one another , attraction and antagonism crackling between them like electricity .
26 The silence stretched between them like a length of tightly pulled elastic , and in the silence Alyssia could feel the hammering of her heart like a physical pain .
27 Not that what I say makes any difference , because these two are still eyeing each other like welterweights at the weigh-in , and Darius stands between them like a referee .
28 A number of glasses of various kinds sprouted from between them like some bizarre flower bed .
29 Hunger surged between them like fire and Felipe 's body began to move restlessly , seeking her softness , his hand beginning to mould her closer still .
30 She had n't mentioned David Markham but his presence had hung between them like a spectre and his name had n't been mentioned since .
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