Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] tell " in BNC.

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1 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
2 • What your intense desire for Jim tells me is that you are a highly sexual person : one who has managed to heal herself after a difficult marriage and who 's now ready for a physical relationship .
3 to meet with Jim so that we can a a the objective of which will be for Jim to tell us what the content of his course is , so we can assess where whether there are gaps in our training .
4 I spect he was pretty angry about t tell him I was living at the house with Marie .
5 Eventually it was he who told her mother when she was about eight months pregnant : " We 'd been planning it for ages to tell them but we had n't had the nerve to get round to it .
6 The Cluanie Inn is a fine hotel in a splendid old building , which has been extended in recent years so sensitively , soon it will be difficult for passers-by to tell the old from the new .
7 We need to look for opportunities to tell stories about American business from the perspective of all the workers who make up the team , rather than solely from the perspective of top managers .
8 The Doctor 's gaze momentarily flickered across the room , but too fast for Bernice to tell who he was looking at .
9 It was all very well for Dawlish to tell me to take orders from the Brain , he did n't have to obey them .
10 A spokesperson for U2 told NME : ‘ The group were very surprised by Mr Clinton 's knowledge of their early work .
11 ‘ We had already released the information to trade papers but we were going to wait until after Christmas to tell everyone else , ’ said spokesman George Marcall .
12 ADAS Milk Cheque results for May tell a similar tale .
13 A spokesman for Adidas told us :
14 So we know , we should and remember of course that in the book Freud chooses two examples as Joy told me the church and the army and these are just examples and of course Freud chooses them partly because they 're very big groups so they in some ways they er exemplify the principles he 's talking about because clearly in a small group like this you could say well look , what is going on is really I mean we all have , we all know each other and it 's a face-to-face group and really what happens here is an of the dynamics group and I think it is actually .
15 To reintroduce us to the joys of story telling round the log fire , Signals rounded up a slightly disconcerting group of five contemporary writers , all strange to me .
16 As people 's heads were shaved , scars and cranial disfigurements came to light ; most people had four or five different marks on their scalps , and there was a lot of story telling .
17 He possessed a wonderful gift of story telling and could talk and write with authority on many aspects of life especially music and Irish folklore .
18 In international affairs , and throughout the social world , there are two sorts of story to tell and a range of theories to go with each .
19 A spokesman for the Irish Ministry of Defence told Sunday Life that almost all 13,000 members of the Army , Air Corps and Irish Navy had received the questionnaire .
20 John Shaw , the elected prisoners ' chairman of D-wing tells John Earle , a life sentence inmate , what to expect .
21 When I was researching my book , The Sporting Gentleman 's Gentleman , stories from Scottish keepers , stalkers and gillies , Jimmy Ross of Rothes told me a different tale about Arthur Wood and his ‘ wee Blue Charm ’ .
22 Studies of simple brains like that of Aplysia tell us quite a lot .
23 The fact that for 30 years social scientists have struggled to produce a theory of interaction tells us just how complex it is .
24 Because future bonuses depend on future profits earned by the GRE Life Fund , we can not of course tell you precisely what your lump sum payment would be .
25 Yet the ‘ Song of Eärendil ’ does of course tell a story as well : how Eärendil tried to sail out of this world to a kind of Paradise , how he succeeded in the end by virtue of the ‘ Silmaril ’ , how this in turn led to his becoming a star , or rather the helmsman of a celestial boat in which the burning Silmaril appears to Middle-earth as a star .
26 " You could of course tell her the truth , " Jane suggested .
27 Years of experience tell us that standard beds may not be right for every human body .
28 When I visit the veterans , they have such a wealth of experience to tell of the old days , some I may add , from before I was born , and it does seem such a shame they never get an invite to look behind the scenes of a present day JS branch .
29 This was a success as most H.V.s keep lists of groups to tell their new mums about .
30 A warning system of whistles tells them when soldiers enter the camp .
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