Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Sherwood relates the death of a boy of six , whom she and her husband had been asked to look after whilst his parents were in India :
2 Apart from saying he had given up singing and trumpet-playing , he invented things , such as that his school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year contest .
3 After leaving the Navy he also wrote much fiction , and as a novelist in the early post-war years his first published work , The Felthams ( 1950 ) , was thought highly of and his bestseller , The Rock ( 1957 ) , served to establish him as a writer of more than a little promise .
4 She arched against him with a wantonness she was completely unaware of and his voice was thick with desire as he whispered against her ear .
5 I says cos I said that fellow I says my husband 's mother for years I says , in fact and old photographs in the house we have of and his wife and a whole crowd .
6 However , when he poses the question of whether his method could work as well for the class struggle as for the boxing match , Sartre admits that he finds it impossible to answer and returns instead to the much easier case of sub-groups .
7 There is no record of whether his request was granted .
8 Mireille eventually met Rob Andrew , the Lions captain , and he too ended up with a bouquet , which he was still wondering how to dispose of as his players began to line up .
9 Mr Martin 's barely-concealed rage at losing what he thinks of as his little girl ( and having to pay through the nose for the festivities ) is amusingly conveyed .
10 The suppression of sexuality which is material both to his affinity for and his analysis of coal mining is also a suppression of history .
11 The Minister made a robust speech , in which he outlined his support for and his defence of the British farmer .
12 He refers to himself in the third person quite frequently , almost as if his stage persona is a separate being .
13 He felt as if his address was saying to Broch : ‘ Do n't be afraid , you have been afraid enough for us .
14 It 's as if his actual presence were some kind of inconvenience , like going to the toilet , as if his body were a mere nuisance .
15 It 's as if his actual presence were some kind of inconvenience , like going to the toilet , as if his body were a mere nuisance .
16 But , since last night he had felt totally vulnerable and defenceless , as if his familiar world had suddenly become a dangerous , alien planet and he was stranded on it , lost and without protection .
17 When I said I was a feminist he became abrupt , as if his time was precious , and told me he could n't help me .
18 Then he just brushed the very tips of his fingers against hers and plunged the offending hand deep in his pocket as if his fist were on fire and the pocket was a bucket full of sand .
19 As the gap began to narrow , he continued to drum the tin , and Eyles ran and retrieved as if his life depended on it .
20 ‘ If you did n't know what had happened you 'd have thought he was not with her because he was standing apart as if his emotions were shut down . ’
21 Bob Busby had also concluded his business at the urinal , but is adjusting his dress with a great deal of fumbling and knee-flexing , as if his member is of such majestic size that it can be coaxed back into his Y-fronts only with the greatest difficulty .
22 The lines on his forehead and round the top of his nose looked chiselled in mahogany , as if his face had not been aged but tempered through the centuries .
23 And these afflicted abandoned mothers : it was as if his own mother were , for a moment , superimposed upon Irina 's mother who was always moaning and complaining and ill .
24 Hector 's head turned as if his eyes were seeking the abbot .
25 And there was still an extraordinary shadow of tiredness on his face , as if his eyes were ready to bruise with exhaustion , he often looked like that .
26 It looked as if his karma was working overtime .
27 He was a small man and it looked as if his rifle was much too heavy for him as he waved it threateningly at the crowd inside the camp .
28 It was as if his mind was a leaking vessel , his sanity seeping out like water .
29 His walk was very brisk and he always carried a preoccupied expression as if his mind was centred on the way the next work of art might be tackled .
30 It was now obvious that the horse was a stayer and yet Harry Short 's stable jockey had recently ridden him as if his best distance was six furlongs , holding him up for a late run .
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