Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What will His Majesty do then , poor thing ?
2 Well , yes , that 's absolutely right , and I think we 've always taken it as part of our responsibilities here really that they should extend over towards students in schools as well as students here at the university , and we do of course do quite a lot , in various ways , across the science area , to contribute towards science in schools .
3 They 'll say well why did this cheque do so and so and why did this do so and so and like he said well when you 're talking about forty eight pound an hour you do n't want me poking round there trying to sort out the tax man
4 Well what does a binder do then ?
5 ‘ What do you say we let your girl do likewise , Jack ? ’ queried the man named Hal .
6 In effect Lévi-Strauss is making structuralism do more work than it is equipped for without considerable development .
7 The comparable question when the qualifying property is instantiated by an adverbial element is possible , if unusual : ( 23 ) the lad measured the room competently : what did the lad do competently ?
8 What should the IB do then next April ?
9 If the merchant in the Shipman 's Tale does not easily fall into the role of the target figure , could another character do so , for instance the wife , who is unquestionably put in this position in the Italian analogues to the tale ?
10 What does a claimant do then they 've got no money then for six weeks if it takes six weeks .
11 Will a hedgecutter do there or will you have to u revert to erm a chainsaw ?
12 Or , does the economy do better if they act as gardeners , nourishing the soil , pulling out the weeds , selecting the plants ?
13 READ : what can the microcomputer do now ?
14 Second , even if markets get it wrong , can the government do better ?
15 For what would my daughter do alone , a single woman of sixty-two , without relatives of her own age , without children , without memories ?
16 People , Let's relax for just a sec and not get carried away with talk of 7–0 victories over twenty years ago , a lucky , boring 1–0 will do wonderfully well .
17 Anyway here 's hoping for another 3 points tomorrow 2–1 will do nicely ( Shame about Manchester not getting the Olympics : - ) )
18 On the track and field scene , did n't the province do well in last weekend 's All-Ireland League finals in Tullamore with victory by the Lisburn women and third placings for the young Lagan Valley women and understrength Annadale men .
19 On the track and field scene , did n't the province do well in last weekend 's All-Ireland League finals in Tullamore with victory by the Lisburn women and third placings for the young Lagan Valley women and understrength Annadale men .
20 But can the doctor do more if the situation calls for it ?
21 What did the learner do well ?
22 If international law can place no limitation on Parliament 's powers , can time do so ?
23 What did your mother do then ?
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