Example sentences of "[noun sg] came from " in BNC.

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1 The commission for the piece came from Life magazine , but due to a change in publishers the images never ran , ‘ I 've tried to sell it overseas and in Europe and had very good success with it .
2 The reply came from an under-secretary who said that the present funding was considered adequate and the commercial undertaking would be ill-advised .
3 So he writes it down and everybody writes bits about what 's happened , and thus eventually a few questions were asked and reply came from the Super .
4 Eventually a reply came from the Islands ' Director of Administration and Legal Services , Rowan McCallum .
5 Dawson 's reply came from a distance ; he was holding the phone away from his mouth .
6 No reply came from the tower .
7 Election night 's first intimation of disaster for Labour came from Basildon .
8 Although many of the better-paid staff , especially those with engineering expertise , were brought in from all over the country , much of the local labour came from the town of Bridgwater , ten miles away by road .
9 The main thrust for use of videos as an aid came from the three Welsh areas — just under three-quarters seeing it as an aid that could improve training .
10 Three-quarters of this aid came from the United States .
11 But aid came from an unlikely quarter .
12 Newent ambulance station stopped providing nightime cover last March , so the ambulance which went to Mr Pollard 's aid came from Cinderford , ten miles away .
13 The dramatic succession of disposals from the TI Group , following Sir Christopher Lewinton 's appointment , has been completed and in 1991 the group 's entire £900m turnover came from continuing operations , whereas in 1987 , £394m came from continuing operations and £462m from discontinued operations .
14 The strongest growth in turnover came from Druck Holdings , up 60% at £27m ; Microvitec up 57% to £37m ; Oceonics Group , up 42% at £29m ; Molynx , up 41% at £22m ; and Densitron International up 39% at £36m. — Lynn Stratton
15 Samples from deposits in Greece and Crete revealed that Mycenae 's gypsum came from Crete , not Greece .
16 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
17 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
18 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
19 Quite a happy telegram came from father RAF with a remark about all being ‘ right on the target . ’
20 The Fawcett family were very brave about it when the telegram came from the War Office .
21 Nearly all the world 's quinine came from Java , and , if Java fell into enemy hands ( as it did in 1942 ) , supplies would virtually cease .
22 Certainly some of the tension came from implementation of a restructuring programme .
23 There is no indigenous Welsh wheel in the Welsh Folk Museum so I would certainly feel that your wheel came from the Bristol builders .
24 The softly spoken command came from the third man , who had remained silent until now .
25 One infusion came from Cambridge economist Bob Rowthorne , still nominally a member of the International Socialists , but moving , unfashionably for the time but a precursor of things to come , towards the Communist Party .
26 That was how he looked , but Trent hoped that part of the dead-eye effect came from the President not wearing his spectacles .
27 An order to this effect came from the president 's office .
28 Yet what good came from knowing that a woman had killed herself ?
29 The routine business of Barings was its financing of foreign trade , but larger rewards and wider recognition came from arranging finance , mostly by bond issues , for sovereign states and industrial empires .
30 Part of the confusion came from the unworthy pleasure given him by the prospect of holding onto his ward a little longer .
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