Example sentences of "[noun sg] might never " in BNC.

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1 They seem , in the months that followed , to have lived with a new intensity , half-knowing that their shared joy in creativity and friendship might never be repeated .
2 The courts could not create a ‘ surrogate right of appeal ’ by extending the High Court 's supervisory role through judicial review proceedings , even though it meant a trial might never take place .
3 The National Enterprise Board might never have come anywhere near what was required , but the principle was right : England needs a development agency or agencies with a wide range of social , economic and physical powers that are able to intervene in more depressed localities through corporate programmes emanating from the full range of public- and private-sector organizations .
4 Never did I embark on a foreign visit with more keenness ; for I felt that time was short , and that such an opportunity might never recur .
5 The public and Parliament might never have known about the payment , even though Premier John Major has pledged a new age of open Government , Labour MPs angrily pointed out .
6 Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder , RAF commander in Egypt , wrote that ‘ the cloven hoof of Pan American [ is ] now well to the fore ’ , and called BOAC 's attitude ‘ hopelessly defeatist ’ , Pan American was making inroads in Africa and the Middle East that BOAC might never be able to match .
7 But the success story might never have happened if the entrepreneur with the idea , Ivan , had taken the advice of his bank .
8 For most of the time the plaintiffs seemed to miss out on the need to prove their reliance on the accounts and had they addressed this early enough , the case might never have come to court .
9 And the buttonhole might never have become his trademark had he not been accused of being ostentatious .
10 Nathan Holland on the other hand was a faithful friend , and but for him Paul 's last work might never have found its way into print .
11 If she had not done so , her work might never have been discovered by American readers .
12 The child might never have known his or her grandfather nor seen the small piece of land that made him a landlord , yet the child remained stubbornly a landlord in official eyes decades after land reform .
13 And GUIs might never have happened , for all the impact that Windows or the Apple Mac have had on the dBase desktop .
14 With the introduction of the Barcode Battler , Christmas and weekly shopping might never be the same again .
15 Alternatively it would be unfair if the only measure of damages was the indemnity basis — because the Purchaser might never be able to recover its goodwill payment .
16 Indeed , full recovery might never have occurred had it not been for the invasion of the area by the Lombards , the people after whom the plain on which the city is set and the region of which it is the capital are named .
17 To the new generation of Romantics he appeared to have become a fossilized appendage of a backward-looking Establishment , which was already , in 1815 , in the process of restoring the eighteenth-century dynasties to the thrones of Europe , so that the French Revolution might never have taken place .
18 Last night might never have happened .
19 Of course , almost always the two immediately annihilate each other , so the event might never have happened , but it is possible that on occasion , for one reason or another , the two are separated so swiftly that annihilation does not occur .
20 Why was such a dangerous practice allowed to continue with the chance that the offender might never have been caught ?
21 She sometimes felt that were Scott not sitting at the studio news desk , face made up and hair sprayed , ready to roll and clearly in control — why , then the news might never happen .
22 Asterix might never have been born but for a chance meeting in 1951 with another cartoonist , Rene Goscinny , at the Paris offices of a Belgian newspaper syndicate .
23 Mick is convinced that if there had been more staff available the attack might never have happened .
24 Sucralose might never have been discovered had it not been for two Tate & Lyle scientists who deployed a basic research technique — they tasted it .
25 The months of illness might never have been .
26 He manufactured stories about the cannibalistic Caribs he never met : without the Admiral 's inventive mind , Shakespeare 's audience might never have encountered Caliban on Prospero 's island .
27 Perhaps when she knew every last detail of their affair she could blank it all out and start all over again … and the dawn might never come !
28 THE final death toll from the El Al disaster might never be known .
29 The number might never end , and Susan would be caught for ever .
30 ‘ It may be said that the duty is difficult to define , because when the act of negligence in manufacture occurs there was no specific person towards whom the duty could be said to exist : the thing might never be used : it might be destroyed by accident , or it might be scrapped , or in many ways fail to come into use in the normal way : in other words the duty can not at the time of manufacture be other than potential or contingent , and only can become vested by the fact of actual use by a particular person .
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