Example sentences of "[noun sg] how good " in BNC.

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1 In the hotel it may be evident that staff could learn from the college how better to use computer-aided accountancy packages , or how to improve menu design by using desk-top publishing equipment .
2 Simpkin will be better able to gauge how good Hong Kong 's chances will be at the September 19th-26th Asian Championship in Seoul by their performance in internationals against the Americans ( April 18th in San Francisco ) and the Russians ( early September ) .
3 Just the business How good an all-purpose touring aircraft is the TB20 ?
4 Family rooms are useful to let the less well-behaved and noisier children run riot but they are frequently cold and characterless and , no matter how good the facilities may be , you often feel excluded from the main atmosphere of the pub .
5 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
6 But no matter how good the makers claim it is , the customers will decide with their wallets which one is better .
7 It does however embody an important principle that a working operation , no matter how good , can not be absolutely clean .
8 No Rottweiler , no matter how good or bad , should be taken out without a lead on .
9 No matter how good you are , you ca n't ride an unrideable wave . ’
10 There is not sufficient , no matter how good or difficult are the carp waters he fishes , to sustain his interest for a lifetime .
11 As such it means that vigilante heroes , no matter how good , are not the stuff of which Christians are made .
12 All these factors reduce the response rate , no matter how good the original sample may have been , so that what may have been a reasonable one-in-five sample to begin with ends up as nearer one-in-ten actually obtained , because of losses .
13 No matter how good the theoretical preparation , it is only when the student works in the ward that she is required to translate knowledge into practice .
14 No matter how good the firm 's organisation it can not compensate for low-grade staff ; the selection and training of personnel is therefore an essential part of the surveyor 's management function .
15 On the other hand , if the dice roll in your favour you 'll thrash your opponent no matter how good he might be .
16 Apart from some of the empirical problems mentioned earlier , a fundamental point is whether correlation , no matter how good it might be , proves causality .
17 To that extent the Profitboss sees management development as a permanent process , no matter how good the manager .
18 If the exam paper is sub-divided into parts , make sure you answer the correct number of questions from each part , otherwise you 'll lose marks , no matter how good your answers may be .
19 And a prosthetist said : ‘ You have a great understanding of their problems because no matter how good a prosthetist is , if he 's got two legs he falls short of really knowing what it 's like . ’
20 You do n't get all the wisdom of the world from a library , no matter how good a scholar you might be … "
21 It delays the process and , no matter how good the system , is always prone to quirks .
22 And , no matter how good the programs , the final quality depends on the choice of printing device .
23 No matter how good a book is it has its faults , and these give the reviewer the chance to display his knowledge .
24 But the processing capability is in itself , no matter how good the program , only half the benefit ; the other half is derived from being able to get the answers when they are wanted and not have to wait for them .
25 No matter how good the analysis , there will be no effect on risk until the recommendations are implemented .
26 If the Treasury economic simulation model predicts 15% inflation in 18 months ' time then people 's behaviour may well be influenced by the expectation that the model is correct in its predictions , no matter how good or objective the data on which the simulation was based .
27 I 'm afraid no matter how good your advocacy performance is , you 're never going to get an ovation like that , and we wo n't expect you to do it in front of that size of audience either .
28 I think that 's maybe because we 're Orcadian for no matter how good we 're feeling if we go you know that yourself if you go south anywhere and you meet up with just anybody that 's ever heard an Orcadian .
29 Because what 's the point in doing no matter how good you think you 're doing , what 's the point of doing it for yourself in the living room , you want er everybody to listen to it .
30 Is in the top 5 per cent of UK managers , but has n't the faintest idea how good she is .
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