Example sentences of "[noun sg] because of " in BNC.

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1 The issue of their timing was seen by the opposition as of crucial importance in determining the fairness of the presidential contest because of the role of local administrators in the electoral process .
2 He has turned away the glorious light of his countenance — or maybe the traffic fumes have got in the way , or maybe he 's turned off the telly because of the charismatics . ’
3 They may hold these views about perception because of views they hold about our nature and the nature of the things we look at .
4 However , the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland has increasingly been able to give some very substantial grants towards churches , ensuring that churches faced with closure because of a repairs crisis have been able to continue in use .
5 This was the largest grant ever offered by HBCS , but many other churches faced with closure because of a repair crisis have also received substantial aid from the Council
6 A project run by the Richmond Fellowship in north London has been earmarked for closure because of high renovation costs and ‘ changes in referral patterns ’ .
7 Thurcroft colliery in my constituency is now threatened with closure because of a short-term geological problem , yet it has 20 million tonnes of workable low-sulphur reserves .
8 I hope , however , that it has not escaped the attention of the Leader of the House that one of the most famous companies in Scotland , Armitage Shanks of Barrhead , is facing closure because of the parent company 's axe .
9 And finally , an animal sanctuary threatened with closure because of a cash shortage has been saved thanks to Central South viewers .
10 An historic Gloucestershire coaching inn , which was facing closure because of financial problems , has been saved .
11 A museum described as containing one of the finest collections of modern art of its kind is threatened with closure because of council cutbacks .
12 Nevertheless it was felt that the papers deserved a wider circulation because of their intrinsic interest to a larger audience .
13 The Clarion 's offices were small and dingy , but despite this , and the fact that it only appeared once a week , the magazine had a large and growing circulation because of the crusading character of its editor , J. D. O'Connor , who had been a leading journalist with the Morning Post before he had struck out on his own , financed by money left to him by his land-owning father .
14 This view has been superseded by the concept of the thoracic pump , whereby sternal compression causes a generalised rise in intrathoracic pressure which is selectively transmitted to the arterial circulation because of closure of the venous valves .
15 The industrialisation of agriculture and the spread of commercial forestry also arouse opposition because of their impact on rural landscapes , wildlife , the welfare of farm animals and , most recently , the safety and quality of food .
16 The remains of these edifices in Italy , France , Germany , Spain , Yugoslavia , Greece , Rumania and Asia Minor give us a clear idea of their way of life as well as their modes of building and it is a much more complete picture than that which we have from the Greek civilisation because of its very complexity and variety .
17 It we he phoned at it was , it was five to six , Jim was going to take me to aerobics because of the weather
18 Reeling over a savage blow Writer Chapman Pincher marvels at the wonderful salmon rivers of Scotland — but he is outraged by their depletion because of English drift-netting .
19 Similar to other villages in the area in most respects , a part of it has acquired a semi-industrial facade because of its proximity to the main highway .
20 Known as the orchard pig because of its liking for windfall apples , it was cheap to keep and delicious to eat .
21 In this case an enlightened friend of mankind would save the intellectual because of his potential influence on thousands of human minds ; the chambermaid is advised to devote herself willingly to the flames !
22 A wrong choice could ruin the turbine because of high winds or not produce enough energy because of low winds .
23 Classroom interaction is even more complex than an interview because of the size of the group and the choices the teacher constantly makes about how to respond to what learners say .
24 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
25 The action would , he said , make redundant the complaint that certain elements had resorted to violence because of allegations that elections held in March 1987 had been rigged [ see p. 35203 ] .
26 You say that , but are n't is n't it th the case that the loyalists , the Protestants in Northern Ireland are terrified of any kind of deal that might involve Gerry Adams because that would be as far as they are concerned the ultimate sell out , and hence there is the danger of growing sectarian violence because of fear ?
27 The ‘ better ’ one was the 13th , where the shot would have been an iron but became a four-wood because of one of Augusta 's rare bad lies .
28 SINGER Barbra Streisand pulled out of buying her dream ranch because of killer bees .
29 Editor Mike Carlin revealed : ‘ There will be a lot of death and destruction around Metropolis because of the fight with Doomsday .
30 Another consideration is that the process of economic management , involving the use of instruments to achieve objectives via some set of intermediate target variables , is subject to delay and uncertainty because of the existence of various lags .
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