Example sentences of "[noun sg] may well " in BNC.

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1 The researcher engaged in the social study of baptism may well decide at an early stage of the study that in modern British society baptism is more of a social than a religious ceremony .
2 Schools seem less reluctant to accept that the difficulties some children experience may well point to a more general problem in school or classroom interaction ; and teachers who have been helped to respond more appropriately to those pupils whom they had found most difficult to teach , have found that in the process they were becoming better teachers to their other pupils as well , with their job satisfaction rising accordingly .
3 In both cases , their separate experience may well have created a special atmosphere , although my informants all stressed that they got on perfectly well with the men at work .
4 The higher success rates obtained for Imperial units suggest that out of school experience may well be an important factor in making the associations required .
5 It is worth noting that the Cuban revolution avoided a similar fate by incorporation of the Communists ; the Bolivian experience may well have been in Castro 's mind when he was assessing the means by which he could sustain his own revolution .
6 It seems likely that for a parent or spouse , the experience may well be comparable to the sorts of events and difficulties implicated in depression .
7 But the deal with Hewlett-Packard Co may well have far-reaching results .
8 But the deal with Hewlett-Packard Co may well have far-reaching results .
9 The set culminates in an outrageously zany harmonisation of the famous ‘ O du lieber Augustin ’ , whose adventurousness may well have made even a composer like Prokofiev blanch .
10 The other foot may well have crossed the threshold .
11 This measure may well have to be considered now ( as Washington is hinting ) , as it has become crystal-clear that the Bosnian war is being fomented by Milosevic and the extreme Serb leaders in Bosnia , and is primarily waged by the army .
12 Demographic decentralization may well have preceded the movement of jobs out of the cities but , by the mid-1970s , a self-sustaining centrifugal force was clearly draining the cities of both people and jobs .
13 In this case a driver may well have exercised due care and attention but the offence of driving without reasonable consideration may still be committed .
14 That is £17,000 and this money may well have to come from the sale or re-mortgage of her house , unless you can help .
15 Money may well be the root of all evil , but what choice do we have ?
16 Nicholas 's personal judgement may well have been crucial in blocking negotiations with the Kadets in the fluid situation that prevailed in the first half of 1906 .
17 Lady Wootton added : ‘ They layman may well be puzzled to visualise how the holders of these posts will spend their working hours .
18 ‘ the layman may well wonder why we do not consult the Parliamentary Debates , for we are much more likely to find the intention of Parliament there than anywhere else .
19 Nonetheless , as Table 5.8 shows , employment in primary industry can still account for 12 per cent of all employment in rural areas , and when all the ancillary trades associated with agriculture are counted in , for example , food processing , machinery , and fertilizer and pesticide production , agriculture may well account for some 10 to 15 per cent of all national employment , although there are no accurate figures for this .
20 When rates are discounted in this way by substantial amounts , bad feeling and discontent may well develop on the site .
21 Even sellers may prefer their buyer not to have the option to assign the contract , given that one of the important factors for sellers when deciding to enter into a contract may well be the creditworthiness of the buyer .
22 This gang may well have :
23 If these are not addressed coherently , along with broad structural issues of funding and organization , it is likely that the hopes of many people with a crucial stake in this area and even the roles of local authorities themselves in this field may well be subject to disappointment and re-evaluation .
24 The person who , despite their concern about the loss of a company pension , leaves an organisation after many years of service in a disliked job to try a new field may well do better , in health terms , than the person who sticks it out in the miserable job .
25 Hair may well grow back finer and more sparse .
26 Of course , this way of looking at things reflects my own bias as an only partially reconstructed neurochemist ; in practice the neurophysiology may well lead — indeed , in the important cases of Aplysia and long-term potentiation discussed next , has led — the biochemistry and cell biology , pointing the way towards cells whose electrical properties and therefore their biochemical properties change during memory formation .
27 Further , authorisation to give permission may well be outside their terms of reference .
28 ‘ The board may well change its attitude , ’ he said .
29 Spiritual direction may well develop within a context of friendship .
30 On the other hand , running to a succession of people for direction may well indicate our own immaturity and instability .
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