Example sentences of "[noun sg] if only " in BNC.

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1 We have a very young team , most of whom are still in their teens and could become a really powerful side if only we can afford to stay together . ’
2 Yes , we 've all seen all the reports — distributed open systems end up costing downsizers more money than the mainframe ever did , that there are many applications that can be handled only by the mainframe , that the mainframe has a bright future if only IBM Corp can get over its present problems .
3 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
4 Willingly she would have surrendered the gift of consciousness if only she might drift like these in a blind passion of being , exempt from question ; yet even as she yearned wistfully so , another voice inside her agitated mind was whispering the old caveat from the Rosarium : that all error arose from failure to begin with the proper substance , from a proud forgetfulness that the magisterium is Nature 's work and not the worker 's .
5 At this stage also it will almost certainly become apparent that a better job could have been done in the research if only more attention had been given to certain factors which had not been thought beforehand to have been of much importance .
6 Nevertheless , despite the apparent well-being of the enterprise , expenses ran high and the failure of a creditor to pay promptly could cause the monthly sheet to indicate a loss if only temporarily .
7 Even those interests that are unorganised have the " potential " to organise should the need arise , and even inactive and apathetic citizens enjoy an indirect influence if only because elected politicians have to " anticipate " their wishes in order to win elections so that they can get back into office to bargain with the more active interests .
8 If they did , the rate of reproduction of bacteria is such that 10 million copies of the New Testament could be run off in a single day , a missionary 's dream if only people could read the DNA alphabet but , alas , the characters are so small that all 10 million copies of the New Testament could simultaneously dance upon the surface of a pin 's head .
9 Er we would find it difficult to justify public concern about a specific location er in advance of a decision erm the principle so we would prefer er a step by step approach er which reflects the special circumstances er of Greater York , and I think Greater York is a special circumstance if only because of the number of authorities erm er thus far involved .
10 Tests revealed it contained formic acid , which a doctor from Newcastle University said could be lethal to a child if only teaspoonful was swallowed .
11 She wished she 'd brought something to do that would take her mind off her anxiety if only for a moment .
12 For present purposes we need not worry about the complexity and the names of the various components in the retina if only we can answer the following question : What does a single one of these ganglion cells tell the brain about the image falling on the photoreceptors to which it connects ?
13 In its own way the co-operative was quite a success story if only for the fact that it had kept going more or less continuously for almost five years .
14 But as far as possible , the best British artists should join a global chorus if only in temporary , experimental ways .
15 Like most of the early Darwinians , Huxley was also a liberal in his politics , determined to show that society could enjoy steady progress if only traditional restrictions on individual freedom were dismantled .
16 They assume that the natural world has an independent existence of its own , which is as it is regardless of those who are studying it , and which is governed by laws which can be discovered by the research scientist if only the right methods can be developed .
17 Like other young people , they want change if only for the sake of it .
18 In some places it may even be an improvement , and of course if only I was years younger I would be thrilled at the challenge .
19 Peter , as you know , I 've taught this course , tutored some of the students in it , and I find it myself a very challenging and interesting course if only because the students are always unearthing new facts and figures about energy which catch me by surprise .
20 There are some good opportunities for advancement if only you can grab them quickly .
21 There are some good opportunities for advancement if only you can grab them quickly .
22 There are some good opportunities for advancement if only you can grab them quickly .
23 But he remained hopeful of securing Walden in the future , for he ‘ would be the making of the Leeds City team if only I could get him to Elland Road ’ .
24 ‘ Limpar could play for Arsenal again the way he plays for the national team if only Graham had more faith in him .
25 There is no doubt that some problems can be solved with ease if only we can get to look at them in a different way .
26 At least she 'd be half-presentable if they , whoever they were , came for her– If only Peter could see her now .
27 He had to sing properly in Zarewitsch and one was reminded yet again that he could have been a great singer if only he had tried .
28 One issue deserving of attention if only because of the importance it assumes in the United States implementation literatures is the ‘ special ’ agency set up to concern itself with policy making and implementation in a specifically limited policy field .
29 It was her turn now to become a heroine if only she could come up with a brilliant plot .
30 For the PC and related MS-DOS hardware Aldus may add a further 100,000 units during the coming year , with its PC version , nice business if only the dealer can get a share .
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