Example sentences of "[noun sg] as to " in BNC.

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1 In National Provincial Bank of England v. Games ( 1886 ) 31 Ch.D. 582 an issue arose in a foreclosure action as to the sum to be paid by the mortgagor in order to avoid foreclosure .
2 On appeal by the defendants , the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and discharged the injunction , holding that as a matter of domestic law there was no justification for extending to local authorities bringing proceedings under section 222 of the Act of 1972 to enforce the criminal law the privilege enjoyed by the Crown alone of being granted an interlocutory injunction without giving a cross-undertaking as to damages ; and that since it had not been established that the defendants had no defence under article 30 of the E.E.C .
3 Treaty a cross-undertaking as to damages should have been given .
4 Perhaps the film caused someone in MI6 to do a little thinking as to whether drugs were not the only thing that crossed the zonal boundaries .
5 It depends upon the problem of each horse as to whether a Chambon or side-reins are used .
6 We also have a a budgeting process er for the er for the firm 's year and we 're right in the throes of that right now for next year for ninety four , ninety five but it wo n't be any surprise to you that the recession er hit the office like any other business or the businesses that you go and see , er quite significantly , er the businesses that we 've been looking after , they 've stopped investing , they 've stopped looking at I T issues and have become very cautious and they 've basically taken stock as to where their position is .
7 There was some argument on the English side as to the best way of crossing the river and finishing the whole business as swiftly as possible .
8 Notations are made on the card as to the reasons for blacklisting , and any instructions such as ‘ refer to manager ’ , ‘ do not accept ’ or ‘ undesirable ’ should be carefully adhered to by the staff .
9 , Sir John , fourth baronet ( c. 1666–1737 ) , patron of the charity-school movement in early eighteenth-century Wales , and , more generally , of the evangelical revival , was born c .1666 ( the evidence of his funerary monument as to his date of birth being demonstrably unreliable ) , the second but first surviving son of Sir Erasmus Philipps , third baronet , of Picton Castle , Pembrokeshire , a Commonwealth commissioner for the propagation of the gospel , and his second wife Catherine , daughter of Edward Darcy of Newhall , Derbyshire .
10 This contest is not a contest as to who is to lead the party , but as to who is to appoint the leader of the party .
11 What the proprietorship of these papers is aiming at is power , and power without responsibility — the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages … this contest is not a contest as to who is to lead the party , but as to who is to appoint the leader of the party .
12 The court will order the money to be paid out only if the risks are the same as they were when it was paid in and on terms protecting the defendant as to costs .
13 I am under no illusion as to effect , he wrote .
14 Finally , should war in fact come , there should be no illusion as to what sort of enemy one would face .
15 The gradualism of concession merely shores up the essentials of the established system by creating an illusion as to the possibilities of change .
16 Whilst the Butt Report " scourge " had a devastating effect on the staff at Bomber Command , the Directorate of Bomber Operations at the Air Ministry were under no false illusion as to how able the Command was in striking its targets .
17 In order to change the understanding of women , or enlarge the conception as to what is to be considered authentically female , we should have to apply what have been thought to be characteristically male attributes to a female symbol .
18 The question may then arise in the future as to what to do for those potential sufferers who are identified in this way and the answer is the same as for those currently identified through the MMPI and for many families in whom there is other genetically inherited disease : specifically educate to Protect .
19 By the way , what is the concensus as to how many spits per minute Alex Ferguson produces ?
20 By referring to these the receptionist will be able to inform the enquirer as to the availability of accommodation and give details of the charges and facilities of the hotel .
21 The Crown had intended to introduce evidence of the number of transactions in shares between the members of the Stenhouse family and associated family trusts , and also of earlier agreements between the trustees and the Revenue as to the appropriate formula for valuing shares in H and SW .
22 We are , regrettably , completely in the dark as to how they functioned in relation to each other .
23 Programme as to how the vendors intend to move forward linking to a definitive offer .
24 Provided that the customer is aware that his agent will be remunerated in this way , does not make further enquiry , and is not misled by the agent as to amount , the agent does not have to disclose the amount of or basis on which the commission is paid .
25 TWO statements by Mr Kinnock last week clinched my mind as to how to vote .
26 If the reader has any doubts in his own mind as to the mechanics of the ECM ( and foreign exchange market ) , a revision of the main points in this chapter ( and Chapter 3 ) should be made .
27 John Tholen , chief executive of the authority , told New Scientist : ‘ I am a conservationist myself , but in the end you 've got to make up your mind as to which is more important — people or birds . ’
28 The practical effect of a comfort letter is to stop the Commission from changing its mind as to the status of the agreement unless there has been a material change of circumstances or unless the letter is written on the basis of incorrect information supplied by the parties .
29 Unlike Maria , Ruth had no limit in her mind as to the number of children she would eventually bear .
30 But there was more than a little doubt in Harriet 's mind as to whether his wife was remotely in love with him .
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