Example sentences of "[noun sg] had also " in BNC.

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1 The association had also identified very clearly in its submissions to the Labour Court that , whereas its long term aspirations were encapsulated in the original claim , the immediate requirement for our Bank Assistant members is for a real and reasonable increase in pay to meet the urgent needs of today .
2 Subsequent reports suggested that the Soviet side had also agreed that the US-made Trident missile , scheduled to replace Polaris as part of the United Kingdom 's nuclear arsenal , would be excluded from the terms of a START treaty .
3 According to a report in The Times of April 3 , the United States administration had also urged political reform , and a White House official confirmed that President Bush had written to the Amir " about the political and economic challenges in Kuwait " .
4 At this period in time Highlander had also been working on a community health program , the broad aim of which was ;
5 Minister of Education and Culture Vladimir Pavletic had also resigned on April 10 , following criticism from parliamentary deputies over schoolbooks which continued to name the mother country as Yugoslavia .
6 His photograph had also been vouched for by several of the witnesses .
7 Councillors said burnt-out caravans and motor vehicles littered the site , while fencing had also been damaged by fire .
8 Their arrival had been delayed for a fortnight after Gen. Farah Aydid claimed on July 7 that an aircraft with UN markings bringing food aid had also carried from Nairobi military equipment and counterfeit money for his rival , Somalia 's transitional President , Ali Mahdi Mohammed .
9 A woman who worked in Burtons said the roof on the shop had been blown off and that a next-door restaurant and bakery had also been completely wrecked .
10 More Trackers had been ordered , and early in 1978 we were told that the Department had also ordered two of Brooke Marine 's thirty-three metre standard patrol boats .
11 Before the mid-650s the Anglian frontier had also been extended to include Iudeu or Giudi , identified as probably Stirling ; Oswiu retreated here on the eve of the battle of the Winwaed ( HB chs 64 , 65 ) .
12 Considerable opposition to one-party rule had also been registered by the churches , the trade union movement and students , as well as by the opposition parties .
13 His neck had also been broken .
14 A general rise in crime had also been reported since the beginning of the year , following an amnesty which had led to a large number of convicted offenders being released from prison [ see p. 37192 ] .
15 [ … ] By mid-1959 , other pressure groups external to the schools , in the form of an alliance of university mathematicians , representing mainly the applied segment of the subject , and employers of graduate labour had also invested some of their considerable resources of time , money and status into conveying to teachers from the selective sector ( who prepared their students and employees ) their ‘ requirements ’ of the school curriculum .
16 A committee at the Ministry of Labour had also worked out with industrialists methods of shifting the hours of work to avoid the winter peak times , and this load spreading helped a lot to contain industrial peak demand at these crucial times .
17 Looking at foreign experience , as the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry had also done , it was argued that the trade unions were weak in countries with family allowances and strong in countries without them .
18 Commenting on the report , asset manager Keith Gordon said that while this was a major breakthrough in the production cost base , others in the industry had also improved their performance .
19 That position was occupied by the French ( whose vote had also risen steeply ) with nine seats , followed by the West Germans with eight and the Italians with seven .
20 The moment was complete when I realised that the action had also cured my arthritis and that I had n't needed the strategically-placed piece of double-sided sticky tape .
21 The action had also electrified the crowd who were pressing in on the ring despite the best efforts of the khalifas to keep them all back .
22 The moral revulsion engendered by the perception that the killer had also profited by his crime resulted in hurriedly enacted legislation which was designed to prevent criminals from receiving financial gain from their literary ventures .
23 Five months earlier , on a bridge only a few miles away , Julie Dart 's killer had also left a stencilled message and used the phrase ‘ 2 mins allowed ’ and also a reference to a detector at the drop-off point .
24 While in Paris the Arab arms dealers who had arranged the deal had also vanished with half-a-billion dollars of Iranian money .
25 Members of the police force had also demanded a pay increase of at least a 100 per cent .
26 Cheshire Police Force had also lost a considerable sum of money since they cleared their police cells of prisoners , Mr Graham said .
27 The President had also apparently abandoned his aim of holding the first round of legislative elections on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39086 ] , and agreed to reschedule them for late November ( with a number of opposition parties still calling for a further postponement ) .
28 CLR had also been a Trotskyist so I identified greatly with him . ’
29 However , if the rattle slips down so far that it is no longer visible , the infant will at once lose interest and behave as if the rattle had also slipped out of existence .
30 By the end of 1914 , in the west , both the Germans and the Allies were digging trenches ; and in the east , the advent of winter had also temporarily brought the war of movement to a halt .
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