Example sentences of "[noun sg] we had " in BNC.

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1 We 've sold all the stock we had of pink rock ,
2 With so much happening , and no central authority , Lorne and I were constantly harried by the attempt to film only the crucial events , which appeared to erupt spontaneously at any time of the day or night , while conserving the precious little film stock we had put aside for the intended Bugis film .
3 Just to be on the safe side we had a long rope attached to the raft and tied round a tree on the bank so that if the Indians lost control the rope would pull it to a stop .
4 Similarly on deck and on the navigational side we had all that was necessary but everything was very basic down to the manual anchor winch .
5 I was reminded of Isidora whose mummy we had seen at Tuna el-Gebel and of a recurring paradox , destruction by the forces of creation .
6 Only one saucepan we had !
7 Lastly , one other strange bit of feedback we had after attending was that our presence was seen to indicate our ‘ seriousness ’ as a production company — some sort of trial by ordeal .
8 What to do with the beautiful web we had made ?
9 As a rule we had do tell everybody what we did over the weekend which was called our ‘ news ’ and we usually did this first thing on a Monday .
10 The hired car we had ordered stood outside the hotel .
11 ‘ In the movie we drive an AMC Pacer with flames on the wheel wells , but the car we had back then was a Dodge Dart Swinger ; it 's sort of like a Vauxhall Viva .
12 But he did n't have the he he had the hearse and one car we had the hearse plus three more cars .
13 We lived side by side for many years , fretting at what was wrong with the equation we had invented .
14 Teller went to extreme lengths to rescue Part I , but in the words of Robert Oppenheimer , ‘ The programme we had in 1949 was a tortured thing that did not make a great deal of technical sense .
15 Okay you 're absolutely right er we did play that at the beginning of the programme we had a little trouble with our C D what happened there Stuart it went off the air did n't it ?
16 As Bourn did not boast an anemometer we had to quickly learn wind speed by other means , such as how much or how little the trees were bending in the wind and whether the distant windsock was at full stretch or hanging limply from its staff .
17 In Opposition we had had great fun pursuing Bill Rodgers on the standard of the baked beans and the quality of the fried cod .
18 We had to take our own meals at all times , even when we had cups of tea we had to take to the station our own tea , sugar and milk , but there was always a large kettle during the winter months on a coal fire , and during the summer months on a gas ring .
19 In geography we had one because erm there was a farmer and what he does and there 's like a big section for sleeping , a smaller s section for eating
20 As a result we had a demoralised and demotivated workforce and needed a completely fresh start — a sign that things were going to work differently .
21 ‘ As a result we had to regroup and go after them again in a big pincer movement .
22 ‘ 'T WAS not my fault we had to stop , ’ Isabel snapped back indignantly , the peace of the afternoon ruined for her .
23 It 's very , very mild , it 's a mild curry mix we had .
24 So , at the very last moment of our very first film , we nearly got the fire we did n't want , and we began to feel more sanguine about the pyromania we had tried to incite the night before .
25 Do you remember this talk we had that was last year .
26 When they came to the apartment , Mary-Claude was cooking up a storm in the kitchen , Sarah was squalling in her crib in the front bedroom and in the back it was wall-to-wall Star Wars , with all the electronic gear we had in there .
27 Certainly , it was impossible with the gear we had , and certainly with our lack of skill for getting to a positive point on the Earth that could do some good .
28 Er what is anything is being done about supplying er inclement weather conditions such as the snow we had a couple of years ago .
29 Because we were on a voucher system from the DHSS that pays your rent we had no choice about where we were sent .
30 So just just small movements of the feet I 'm not talking well there 's a classic one I had when I was at college we had a lecturer imagine a big lecture theatre you know two hundred people and there was there was a board and he presented his lecture like this , plenty of foot movement but he presented his lecture like and he just walked up and down .
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