Example sentences of "[noun sg] you take " in BNC.

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1 For when I was hungry , you gave me food ; when thirsty , you gave me drink ; when I was a stranger you took me into your home , when naked you clothed me ; when I was ill you came to my help , when in prison you visited me . ’
2 Sharing photographs was to him an act of intimacy ; to show someone a photograph you took was to give them a ‘ deeper insight into you as well as what you discerned ’ .
3 ‘ As an optimist you take first prize , Aunt . ’
4 In future you take preventative measures .
5 In identifying this contribution , make sure you are 100 per cent clear about how each single decision and action you took related to profit .
6 Every action you take , every word you say , every decision you make , every memo you write , every meeting you attend should be geared to success .
7 It could just be that you are the indirect cause of the complaint and the action you take has a consequential impact on the customer .
8 I should be grateful if you would let me know what action you take on the above matters .
9 If you want a bigger car you take another test .
10 ‘ After seeing the PM you took a long leave and then came back .
11 ‘ That awful girl you took to Greece , ’ explained Lydia .
12 The the ruling is , that if you catch a child you take her and keep her in the office and send for the parents .
13 ‘ Mr Jardine would niver — and I can say niver — have tolerated the levitatious attitude you take to your wicketkeeper . ’
14 From Inchnadamph you take the A837 for 6.5 miles to Tunmore ( a single house ) .
15 However long a text you take , you can never be certain that a grammar you find by any algorithm is the one the text is generated by .
16 That 's a responsibility you take on with a family .
17 At the end of each level you take an exam and you can record your results as a graph .
18 And then when you 're okay when you 've been riding round a bit you take them off .
19 Deep learning , on the other hand , is the kind you take with you through the rest of your life : like Paul of Tarsus 's conversion on the road to Damascus , or the kind of insights vouchsafed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau when he fell asleep under his tree of knowledge .
20 Er er traffic effects are different , economic effects , effects on agriculture , effects on greenbelt land etcetera etcetera , they all have d depending on which route you take , a different impact .
21 This stage is intended mainly to ease the initial awkwardness , the interviewer does not really want your detailed impressions of the weather or the route you took to get to the interview .
22 Of course you take your work away with you .
23 ‘ Where 's the chart you took from Hirondelle ? ’
24 All of us , conference members and colleagues alike , would like you to know how deeply we appreciated the very full part you took in the conference programme .
25 I would like you to know how greatly we valued the very full part you took in our National Conference at Dunblane at the weekend .
26 Establish the underlying principles for every profit-making decision you take today .
27 It was cruel , of course , to bring someone of Estabrook 's age out on a cold day , and make him climb a hill , but Gentle knew from experience you took whatever satisfactions you could along the way .
28 From the moment you take the big glass off my hands you will have the sole responsibility for it .
29 Any way that was it and you st and you f forked them all round and you after it was er up you was put up to do the tramping round and round and you Every forkful you took it and saw that it was laid down and tramped it round like this , round and round and round and then the next one , till it was up .
30 A set of priorities went with the job and if you took on the job you took on the priorities .
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